OKRs Examples


Growth Stage Startups

OKRs for Organisations

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Growth-stage companies have figured out how to solve a problem for their users. Of course, they'll keep investing in the product, but the main focus is to grow the business. This is why they should mostly focus on the Acquisition and Referral stages of the AARRR funnel.

There are 2 ways for you to grow: find channels that can generate a steady number of leads, and turn existing users into advocates that will refer your product to their friends and colleagues.

Focus areas:


Key questions:

Do we have sustainable growth channels?

Is our onboarding funnel efficient?

Can we turn happy users into advocates?

Are we sustaining the quality of the product?

Example of Organisation OKRs

You'll find below an example built around a fictitious company. Your OKRs should move from quarter to quarter and map to your company's reality – that's why we thought it's best to illustrate things as a case study that you can take inspiration from.


Askawoof is a company building a platform to help companies run customer satisfaction surveys. They successfully launched their product and got great initial feedback. Now they're looking for ways to accelerate their growth.

General advice

It's often useful to pair Key Results that can check one another for a specific Objective. You might push your team to adopt extreme tactics to grow the business if you only mention new leads and signups (spend too much, reduce leads quality...).

A good practice is to add control Key Results to make sure keep that your business stays healthy. In this example, the goals around growth are balanced with some other KRs related to costs and retention.

Examples of Organisation OKRs

OKRs to increase market share in the target market


Increase market share in the target market

Key result

Achieve a 10% increase in market share within the next quarter

Key result

Launch a targeted marketing campaign to reach 1 million potential customers

Key result

Increase customer acquisition rate by 15% compared to the previous quarter

OKRs to enhance employee engagement and satisfaction


Enhance employee engagement and satisfaction

Key result

Conduct an employee satisfaction survey with a participation rate of 90%

Key result

Improve employee Net Promoter Score (NPS) by 20 points within the year

Key result

Implement at least two employee development programs focused on skill-building and career growth

OKRs to improve product quality and customer satisfaction


Improve product quality and customer satisfaction

Key result

Reduce product defects by 30% within six months

Key result

Achieve a customer satisfaction score of 90% or above in customer surveys

Key result

Implement a customer feedback system and resolve 80% of customer issues within 48 hours

OKRs to build a sustainable growth engine


We have a sustainable growth engine

Key result

1K people are using our platform every week

Key result

Weekly signups increase from 20 to 150

Key result

8-week retention rate stays above 30%

Key result

Cost per Acquisition stays under $30

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Tracking your OKRs

Knowing how to write good OKRs is critical, but without good tracking in place, the OKRs will fade away and focus will be lost.

The easier it is for a team to have weekly discussions around the OKRs, the better they'll execute. Here are a few best practices for tracking OKRs.

OKRs-tracking with Tability

1. Do weekly check-ins

Quarterly OKRs should be tracked every week to be effective. Without a continuous reflection on progress, your OKRs won't be much different from having KPIs.

The check-ins process can be automated with a platform like Tability that takes care of reminders, and distribute updates to the teams.

2. Keep track of your confidence

Good progress updates should help everyone understand how far we are from our goal, but also how confident we are in achieving it. You can use a simple red/yellow/green color coding to indicate your confidence.

3. Make trends easy to see

Lastly, it's important to look at trends to avoid false positives. It's not rare for a team to have a hot start and then slow down mid quarter. This will be hard to see unless you can look at progress trends for individual Key Results.

What other metrics can you use for your startup?

Now that you've got good Objectives, it's time to pick some key results and finding good metrics that work for your team can be tricky. Lucky for you, we've laid out all the best success metrics for your teams to use.

Here are a few to get you started:

Number of leads

How many new users sign up for your product every day/week/month?

Activation rate

How many signups turn into active users?


How do people interact with your content (it can be anything, from visits to specific sections to conversations in Intercom…)

Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

Cost Per Acquisition is the cost of acquiring a non-paying user.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Customer Acquisition Cost is the cost of acquiring a paying customer.

Retention rate

How many users return to our product every day/week/month?

Conversion rate

How many users turn into paid customers?

Monthly Recurring Revenues (MRR)

How much revenue do we generate every month from our users?


What's the percentage of customers that drops every month?

Viral coefficient

How many new users does one user generate (by inviting friends, colleagues, referrals...)?

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