Everything you need for your quarterly planning process

While there’s always pressure to finish quarters on a high note, it’s just as important to start preparing for the next cycle.

This post is a quick compilation of resources to help you get ready, and make sure that your Q4 OKRs aren’t just going to be a repetition of the previous quarter.

For your retrospectives

Recency bias is real. Make sure you spend some time to reflect on the past 3 months before you start setting goals for the next quarter.

If you’re just getting started

Perhaps this is going to be your first time doing OKRs! Don’t worry, we have a few links to help.

Getting the right culture

It can take up to a year for people to see value in the OKR process. Quite often this is due to not investing enough time in change management, and rushing people from a project-centric approach to an outcome-driven culture.

When OKR-purism doesn’t work

Getting value from a framework is 20% understanding the rules, and 80% bending them to fit your team culture. Here we take a look at some special situations where you might need to break from the conventions.

Aligning vs. cascading goals

We’ve got some strong views on the best way to get teams aligned. Spoiler: you should align, rather than cascade your OKRs.

Weekly routine and OKR scoring

See why you shouldn’t score your OKRs like Google, and our recommendations to make goal reviews a team habit.

Templates and AI generators

OKR & goal tracking tooling

We’ve got a few things that can help you save hours at work.

Author photo

Sten Pittet

Co-founder and CEO, Tability

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