7 strategies and tactics for E Learning

What is a E Learning strategy?

Every great achievement starts with a well-thought-out plan. It can be the launch of a new product, expanding into new markets, or just trying to increase efficiency. You'll need a delicate combination of strategies and tactics to ensure that the journey is smooth and effective.

Crafting the perfect E Learning strategy can feel overwhelming, particularly when you're juggling daily responsibilities. That's why we've put together a collection of examples to spark your inspiration.

Copy these examples into your preferred app, or you can also use Tability to keep yourself accountable.

Building your own E Learning strategy with AI

While we have some examples available, it's likely that you'll have specific scenarios that aren't covered here. You can use our free AI generator below or our more complete goal-setting system to generate your own strategies.

E Learning strategy examples

You'll find below a list of E Learning tactics. We also included action items for each template to make it more practical and useful.

Strategies and tactics for optimising internal processes

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Conduct comprehensive process audits

    • Identify and document all current internal processes
    • Schedule process mapping workshops with relevant teams
    • Evaluate existing workflows for inefficiencies and bottlenecks
    • Benchmark processes against industry best practices
    • Collect data on time, cost, and quality metrics for each process
    • Develop key performance indicators (KPIs) for each area
    • Gather feedback from stakeholders and employees
    • Analyse collected data to identify improvement opportunities
    • Prepare an audit report with recommendations for optimisation
    • Distribute audit findings and recommendations to all relevant parties
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Implement continuous improvement frameworks

    • Introduce Lean or Six Sigma methodologies for process improvement
    • Train employees on continuous improvement frameworks
    • Form continuous improvement teams for each department
    • Set specific, measurable goals for process improvements
    • Monitor and record progress regularly
    • Facilitate regular process review meetings
    • Incorporate employee feedback into the improvement process
    • Utilise software tools for tracking and reporting improvements
    • Celebrate and reward teams for successful improvements
    • Prepare regular reports to share progress and insights
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Foster a culture of learning and knowledge sharing

    • Create a centralised repository for sharing learning and best practices
    • Encourage employees to document and share their insights
    • Organise regular internal knowledge-sharing sessions
    • Develop a mentorship programme for skill transfer
    • Encourage collaboration across different teams
    • Recognise and reward employees who contribute valuable insights
    • Leverage social media and internal communication platforms
    • Promote a culture of open communication and continuous learning
    • Develop case studies based on successful optimisations
    • Incorporate learning and development activities into regular training programmes

Strategies and tactics for developing ICT Strategy for Health and Allied Sciences University

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Enhance digital infrastructure

    • Conduct a thorough assessment of current ICT infrastructure
    • Upgrade network bandwidth and connectivity across campuses
    • Implement high-speed Wi-Fi in all buildings including dormitories
    • Procure and deploy modern computers and servers
    • Ensure regular maintenance and support for all ICT equipment
    • Implement a reliable data backup and disaster recovery system
    • Install smart classroom technologies
    • Upgrade laboratory equipment with latest ICT tools
    • Automate administrative processes using ERP systems
    • Develop a dedicated IT support team for swift issue resolution
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Promote e-learning and digital resources

    • Develop an e-learning platform with online course materials
    • Provide training for faculty on creating digital content
    • Subscribe to online journals and digital libraries
    • Encourage faculty to utilise ICT tools in teaching and research
    • Implement a Learning Management System (LMS)
    • Facilitate online workshops and webinars
    • Create a student portal for access to resources and services
    • Offer online certification courses to both students and faculty
    • Develop mobile applications for academic and administrative functions
    • Coordinate collaborations with other institutions for shared resources
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Enhance cybersecurity and data protection

    • Conduct a cybersecurity audit to identify vulnerabilities
    • Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all systems
    • Deploy antivirus and anti-malware solutions on all devices
    • Educate staff and students on cybersecurity best practices
    • Establish a security operations center (SOC) for real-time monitoring
    • Enforce strict access control policies
    • Regularly update and patch software and hardware
    • Develop and implement a comprehensive data protection policy
    • Conduct regular cybersecurity drills and simulations
    • Collaborate with cybersecurity firms for continual improvement

Strategies and tactics for improving English speaking skills

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Immerse yourself in the language

    • Watch English movies and TV shows with subtitles
    • Listen to English podcasts and audiobooks daily
    • Read English books, newspapers, and articles
    • Surround yourself with English-speaking friends or communities
    • Join online forums or social media groups to practise English
    • Listen to English music and learn the lyrics
    • Set your electronic devices to English language
    • Follow English-speaking influencers and content creators
    • Attend English-speaking events or meetups in your city
    • Subscribe to an English language YouTube channel
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Practise speaking regularly

    • Join a language exchange or conversation group
    • Take part in online language learning platforms
    • Record yourself speaking and listen to the playback
    • Frequently practise speaking with a language tutor
    • Narrate your daily activities in English
    • Use language apps to practise speaking
    • Participate in English-speaking challenges or competitions
    • Speak to yourself in front of a mirror to build confidence
    • Engage in role-playing exercises such as ordering food or booking tickets
    • Ask friends or family members to help you practise
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Build a strong foundation in grammar and vocabulary

    • Study basic English grammar rules and structures
    • Learn a set number of new vocabulary words each day
    • Use flashcards or vocabulary apps for memorisation
    • Read grammar and vocabulary books targeted at beginners
    • Complete exercises from English language workbooks
    • Write sentences and short essays to apply new vocabulary and grammar
    • Ask for feedback on your writing and speaking from a native speaker
    • Play grammar and vocabulary games online or with friends
    • Engage in language courses or classes focusing on grammar and vocabulary
    • Take regular practice tests to track your progress

Strategies and tactics for improving employee training and growth

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Customise training programmes

    • Conduct a skills gap analysis to identify specific training needs
    • Develop personalised development plans for employees
    • Incorporate a variety of training methods such as e-learning, workshops, and on-the-job training
    • Provide industry-specific training modules
    • Ensure training sessions are interactive and engaging
    • Regularly update training content to reflect industry trends
    • Create a mentorship programme to pair employees with experienced mentors
    • Offer certification and accreditation opportunities
    • Solicit feedback from employees regarding training effectiveness
    • Track employee progress and adjust training plans as needed
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Encourage continuous learning

    • Provide access to an online learning platform with diverse courses
    • Implement a learning and development budget for each employee
    • Organise quarterly knowledge-sharing sessions within teams
    • Encourage employees to attend industry conferences and events
    • Promote a culture of learning through internal communications
    • Integrate learning objectives into performance reviews
    • Reward employees who demonstrate continual learning and development
    • Provide opportunities for cross-training within different departments
    • Offer lunch-and-learn sessions on relevant topics
    • Allow time during work hours for personal development activities
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Measure the impact of training programmes

    • Set specific, measurable goals for each training initiative
    • Conduct pre- and post-training assessments to measure knowledge gain
    • Collect feedback via surveys immediately after training sessions
    • Monitor employee performance metrics following training interventions
    • Evaluate the return on investment (ROI) of training programmes
    • Compare training outcomes with industry benchmarks
    • Track career progression and promotion rates of trained employees
    • Hold regular review meetings to discuss training results
    • Adjust training strategies based on collected data and insights
    • Share training success stories within the organisation to reinforce the value of training

Strategies and tactics for examples of English learning goals

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Achieve conversational fluency

    • Practice speaking English for 30 minutes every day
    • Join a language exchange programme or find a language partner
    • Take part in English-speaking meetups or online forums
    • Watch English movies and TV shows with subtitles
    • Learn and use 5 new vocabulary words every day
    • Read English books, articles, or blogs regularly
    • Participate in online or in-person English courses
    • Record yourself speaking and listen to improve pronunciation
    • Engage in discussions on social media in English
    • Use language learning apps to track progress and practice skills
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Improve English writing skills

    • Write a journal in English every day
    • Read and analyse different writing styles from various authors
    • Take an online writing course focused on English
    • Participate in writing workshops or groups
    • Write essays or articles and get feedback from native speakers
    • Practice writing in different formats, such as emails, reports, and stories
    • Use grammar and spell-check tools to improve accuracy
    • Learn and practice new vocabulary in context
    • Translate texts from your native language to English
    • Set specific goals for writing, such as completing a certain number of words per day
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Expand English vocabulary

    • Learn and write down 10 new words every day
    • Use flashcards to memorise new vocabulary
    • Practice using new words in sentences
    • Read a variety of English texts (novels, newspapers, research papers)
    • Watch educational videos or lectures in English
    • Play word games and puzzles like crosswords and Scrabble
    • Listen to English podcasts and jot down new words
    • Use a vocabulary learning app to track progress
    • Join an English book club to discuss new words and meanings
    • Engage with native speakers and ask them to explain unfamiliar words

Strategies and tactics for enhancing mentoring skills to help grow junior designers

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Develop a structured mentoring plan

    • Identify the key skills and knowledge areas junior designers need to develop
    • Create a timeline for mentoring activities and check-ins
    • Design a mix of formal and informal mentoring interactions
    • Set clear and achievable goals for the mentees
    • Develop relevant learning resources and materials
    • Schedule regular feedback sessions to discuss progress
    • Incorporate real-world projects to provide hands-on experience
    • Organise group mentoring sessions and peer learning opportunities
    • Adjust the mentoring plan based on feedback and progress
    • Monitor the long-term career growth of mentees
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Foster an open and supportive environment

    • Promote open communication and active listening
    • Encourage mentees to share their challenges and successes
    • Build a culture of trust and mutual respect
    • Provide constructive and actionable feedback
    • Offer encouragement and celebrate achievements
    • Share personal experiences and lessons learned
    • Be approachable and show empathy
    • Encourage mentees to take on new responsibilities
    • Create opportunities for mentees to ask questions and seek advice
    • Organise team-building activities to strengthen relationships
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Stay updated with industry trends and best practices

    • Regularly attend industry conferences and workshops
    • Subscribe to relevant design blogs, podcasts, and newsletters
    • Join professional design communities and forums
    • Participate in online courses and webinars
    • Read books on design and mentoring best practices
    • Network with other experienced mentors for insights and advice
    • Encourage mentees to share new trends they discover
    • Implement and adapt new techniques in mentoring sessions
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of new strategies and adjust accordingly
    • Share industry updates and insights with mentees

Strategies and tactics for introducing Application Quality Metrics

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Measure functionality metrics

    • Identify all functionality provided by the application, including core and additional features
    • Classify functionalities into categories (e.g. report creation, performance assessment, notifications)
    • Conduct user need assessments to determine relevance of each functionality
    • Survey users to evaluate the conformity of features to their needs
    • Create a scoring system to measure feature suitability
    • Review user feedback regularly to identify new functionality requirements
    • Prioritise development efforts to address mismatched functionality
    • Use analytics tools to track usage of each functionality
    • Conduct workshops or focus groups to validate the necessity of new features
    • Regularly update documentation to reflect available features and their suitability
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Enhance usability metrics

    • Create a thorough user onboarding process to reduce learning time
    • Develop user training materials and video tutorials
    • Conduct usability testing sessions with new users to measure learning time
    • Implement user surveys to gauge ease of use
    • Analyse survey results to identify usability pain points
    • Streamline commonly used workflows to reduce the number of clicks required
    • Implement A/B testing to compare different user interface designs
    • Regularly review and update user interface based on usability feedback
    • Provide an in-app help feature for real-time assistance
    • Track and analyse user session data to find opportunities for usability improvements
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Optimise performance metrics

    • Perform baseline performance testing to determine current response times
    • Set target response times for critical user actions
    • Implement monitoring tools to track response times continuously
    • Conduct load testing to determine application throughput under various conditions
    • Optimise code to enhance throughput capabilities
    • Use profiling tools to identify and address bottlenecks in resource utilisation
    • Implement caching strategies to improve response times
    • Review and optimise database queries and access patterns
    • Regularly update hardware and software to maintain optimal performance
    • Document performance trends and improvement measures
  • ⛳️ Strategy 4: Ensure reliability metrics

    • Log all system failures and analyse root causes
    • Implement redundancy and failover mechanisms to increase MTBF
    • Schedule regular maintenance checks to preemptively address potential failures
    • Develop a fast and effective system repair protocol to reduce MTTR
    • Maintain a comprehensive knowledge base for troubleshooting common issues
    • Train team members in quick diagnosis and repair techniques
    • Implement continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to reduce risk of failure during updates
    • Monitor system availability metrics continuously
    • Automate system health checks to ensure high availability
    • Regularly update and test disaster recovery plans
  • ⛳️ Strategy 5: Improve maintainability metrics

    • Conduct code reviews to ensure high code readability standards
    • Implement coding standards and guidelines to maintain consistency
    • Use static code analysis tools to measure and manage code complexity
    • Refactor code regularly to simplify complex sections
    • Maintain comprehensive documentation for the codebase
    • Use automated testing frameworks to identify and fix bugs promptly
    • Track fix times for bugs and aim to reduce this metric over time
    • Implement a version control system to manage code changes effectively
    • Encourage pair programming to improve knowledge sharing and code quality
    • Conduct technical debt assessments and prioritise addressing high-impact areas
  • ⛳️ Strategy 6: Ensure portability metrics

    • Test application compatibility across different platforms (web, iOS, Android)
    • Implement a modular architecture to enhance platform compatibility
    • Document platform-specific requirements and adjustments needed
    • Use cross-platform development frameworks where appropriate
    • Develop platform-specific testing protocols to ensure consistent behaviour
    • Monitor user feedback on different platforms to detect compatibility issues
    • Create a detailed migration plan for moving to new platforms
    • Perform pilot migrations to identify and solve potential issues
    • Maintain a repository of compatibility and migration issues
    • Regularly review and update portability plans based on new platform developments

Executing your E Learning strategies

Having a plan is one thing, sticking to it is another.

Having a good strategy is only half the effort. You'll increase significantly your chances of success if you commit to a weekly check-in process.

A tool like Tability can also help you by combining AI and goal-setting to keep you on track.

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More strategies recently published

We have more templates to help you draft your team goals and OKRs.

Planning resources

OKRs are a great way to translate strategies into measurable goals. Here are a list of resources to help you adopt the OKR framework:

What's next? Try Tability's goal-setting AI

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