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Strategies and tactics for reducing the email traffic to partner financial advisers on newsletters

Published 3 months ago

The strategy "Reducing the email traffic to partner financial advisers on newsletters" aims to decrease the number of emails sent to financial advisers by streamlining newsletter communication. One approach is to consolidate newsletters to minimize overlap and improve readability. This involves assessing the current newsletters, creating a unified schedule, and designing a comprehensive template. For instance, a single combined newsletter can present different sections for various topics, making it easier for advisers to find relevant information.

Another key component is audience segmentation. By analyzing the advisers' information needs, distinct mailing lists can be created. This enables the sending of targeted and relevant content to different adviser groups. For example, advisers interested in market updates could receive tailored newsletters, improving engagement and reducing unnecessary email traffic.

Lastly, utilizing an online portal can centralize newsletter content and give advisers on-demand access. The portal would contain all past and current newsletters and categorize information for ease of use. Regular summary emails would direct advisers to the portal, and notifications would alert them of new content. This reduces the daily influx of emails, providing a more efficient way for advisers to stay informed.

The strategies

⛳️ Strategy 1: Consolidate newsletters

  • Assess the current number of newsletters being sent to identify overlap
  • Create a unified schedule for sending consolidated newsletters
  • Design a single comprehensive newsletter template
  • Classify information into sections to make it easier to navigate
  • Develop a content calendar to streamline topics and avoid repetition
  • Coordinate with all departments to include their updates in the consolidated newsletter
  • Test the consolidated newsletter format with a small group of advisers and gather feedback
  • Adjust the frequency of the consolidated newsletter based on adviser feedback
  • Train the communications team on the new process for submitting content
  • Monitor open rates and engagement to ensure the consolidated newsletters are effective

⛳️ Strategy 2: Segment the audience

  • Analyse the types of advisers and their specific information needs
  • Create distinct mailing lists for different adviser segments
  • Categorise newsletters content based on relevance to each segment
  • Utilise email marketing software to automate segmented mailing
  • Develop personalised content for each adviser segment
  • Send a survey to advisers to ask about their content preferences
  • Adjust the frequency of newsletters based on segment preferences
  • Create specific sections within newsletters targeted to each segment
  • Monitor the performance of segmented emails to refine targeting
  • Communicate the reduced and segmented approach to advisers to set expectations

⛳️ Strategy 3: Utilise an online portal

  • Develop an online portal where advisers can access newsletter content at their convenience
  • Upload all past and current newsletters to the portal
  • Categorise information within the portal for easy navigation
  • Send monthly summary emails directing advisers to the portal
  • Implement a notification system to alert advisers of new content on the portal
  • Survey advisers to gather feedback on the portal’s usability
  • Offer training or tutorials on how to use the portal
  • Monitor the usage and activity on the portal to gauge its effectiveness
  • Regularly update the portal with fresh and relevant content
  • Encourage advisers to set preferences for email updates from the portal

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