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10 strategies and tactics for It Team

What is a It Team strategy?

Team success often hinges on the ability to develop and implement effective strategies and tactics. It's a bit like playing chess, except that you have more than 1 player on each side.

Crafting the perfect It Team strategy can feel overwhelming, particularly when you're juggling daily responsibilities. That's why we've put together a collection of examples to spark your inspiration.

Copy these examples into your preferred app, or you can also use Tability to keep yourself accountable.

Building your own It Team strategy with AI

While we have some examples available, it's likely that you'll have specific scenarios that aren't covered here. You can use our free AI generator below or our more complete goal-setting system to generate your own strategies.

It Team strategy examples

You'll find below a list of It Team tactics. We also included action items for each template to make it more practical and useful.

Strategies and tactics for implementing automation to streamline existing processes

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Assess current processes

    • Identify key processes ripe for automation
    • Map out each identified process in detail
    • Evaluate current pain points and inefficiencies
    • Determine the potential impact of automation on each process
    • Conduct a cost-benefit analysis for automating each process
    • Gather input and feedback from team members involved in these processes
    • Compile a list of automation requirements and tools needed
    • Set objectives and key performance indicators for automation
    • Prioritise processes based on impact and feasibility
    • Create a project plan with timelines and milestones
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Select and implement automation tools

    • Research available automation tools and platforms
    • Request demos and trials from vendors
    • Assess the ease of integration with existing systems
    • Evaluate the scalability and flexibility of each tool
    • Check for user-friendliness and required technical expertise
    • Select the most suitable tools based on evaluation criteria
    • Develop a detailed implementation plan
    • Configure and customise tools as per requirements
    • Conduct pilot tests on selected processes
    • Roll out the tools across all identified processes
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Train staff and optimise processes

    • Develop comprehensive training materials for staff
    • Schedule and conduct training sessions
    • Provide ongoing support and troubleshooting for staff
    • Set up a feedback mechanism for continuous improvement
    • Monitor and assess the performance of automated processes
    • Make necessary adjustments to optimise automation
    • Continuously review and refine automation strategies
    • Explore opportunities for further automation
    • Track key performance indicators and measure results
    • Report the outcomes and benefits of automation to stakeholders

Strategies and tactics for amplifying proactive investigation with broadened log analysis

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Conduct comprehensive log collection

    • Identify key systems and applications for log collection
    • Set up automated log collection mechanisms
    • Ensure logs are timestamped and secured
    • Implement centralised log storage
    • Regularly backup logs to avoid loss of data
    • Encrypt logs to protect sensitive information
    • Monitor log collection processes for completeness
    • Perform regular audits of log collection policies
    • Establish access controls to log data
    • Educate staff on the importance of comprehensive log collection
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Implement advanced log analysis tools

    • Research and select leading log analysis tools
    • Train appropriate staff on the use of these tools
    • Set up automated alert systems for unusual log activity
    • Regularly update log analysis tools to the latest versions
    • Integrate log analysis tools with existing IT infrastructure
    • Develop custom analysis rules tailored to organisational needs
    • Perform regular reviews of log analysis tool configurations
    • Set KPIs to measure the effectiveness of log analysis
    • Create a feedback loop to refine analysis processes
    • Establish a dedicated team for log analysis management
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Establish a proactive investigation framework

    • Define clear procedures for initiating proactive investigations
    • Develop templates for investigation documentation
    • Train staff on investigative techniques and tools
    • Assign dedicated roles for investigation within the security team
    • Implement regular drills and exercises on proactive investigations
    • Utilise log analysis findings to inform investigations
    • Create a system for logging and reviewing past investigations
    • Set up a communication plan for incident response
    • Foster a culture of continuous improvement in investigation processes
    • Regularly review and update the investigation framework

Strategies and tactics for migrating staff to Windows 11

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Plan the migration

    • Conduct a hardware compatibility check for all 1500 staff machines
    • Create a detailed migration timeline with key milestones
    • Ensure all necessary licences and software are acquired
    • Develop a risk assessment and mitigation plan
    • Identify and train a project team to handle the migration
    • Create a communication plan to inform staff of the migration
    • Prepare documentation and training materials for staff
    • Set up a helpdesk or support team for post-migration issues
    • Determine backup procedures for data protection
    • Acquire additional resources if needed for successful migration
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Deploy in stages

    • Divide staff into manageable groups for phased deployment
    • Start with a pilot group to identify potential issues
    • Schedule migration sessions during off-peak hours
    • Monitor the pilot group’s transition and gather feedback
    • Adjust the migration plan based on pilot feedback
    • Roll out the migration to subsequent groups one at a time
    • Provide on-site support during each group’s migration
    • Ensure data and application consistency after each phase
    • Update progress and issues daily with the project team
    • Collect post-migration feedback from each group for continuous improvement
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Ensure post-migration support

    • Implement a post-migration helpdesk to handle immediate issues
    • Schedule follow-up training sessions for staff
    • Monitor system performance and user satisfaction continuously
    • Regularly check for and install Windows 11 updates
    • Conduct regular team meetings to discuss ongoing issues
    • Document common problems and solutions for reference
    • Arrange for ongoing technical support from the software vendor
    • Encourage staff feedback on the new OS experience
    • Regularly review and improve internal IT processes
    • Plan for periodic audits to ensure compliance and efficiency

Strategies and tactics for migrating users and environment from Server 2010 to Office 365

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Plan the migration

    • Conduct an inventory of all users, e-mails, and files
    • Assess current server usage and data volume
    • Create a timeline for the migration process
    • Determine compliance and security requirements
    • Identify key stakeholders and migration team members
    • Select the Office 365 subscription plan and licenses
    • Establish communication channels for updates
    • Document the migration strategy and procedures
    • Set up a contingency plan for unexpected issues
    • Inform all users about the migration process and timeline
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Execute the migration

    • Set up Office 365 tenant and configure basic settings
    • Create user accounts and assign necessary licenses
    • Migrate e-mails using Exchange Online or third-party tools
    • Transfer files to OneDrive for Business or SharePoint Online
    • Test migrated data to ensure integrity and functionality
    • Configure Office 365 services like SharePoint and OneDrive
    • Install and configure Microsoft Teams for all users
    • Provide training resources on new platform functionalities
    • Monitor the migration process and address any issues
    • Communicate with users throughout the migration
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Post-migration optimisation

    • Verify that all data has been successfully migrated
    • Configure Office 365 security settings and policies
    • Optimise Office 365 services for performance and usability
    • Train users on Office 365 and Teams features and best practices
    • Consolidate feedback from users and address concerns
    • Implement productivity and workflow improvements using Office 365 tools
    • Regularly update and maintain the Office 365 environment
    • Encourage collaboration using Teams and SharePoint
    • Monitor usage patterns and adjust resources accordingly
    • Plan for periodic reviews and updates to the Office 365 setup

Strategies and tactics for migrating users from Windows 10 to Windows 11

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Communicate and plan

    • Announce the migration plan to all users via email and intranet
    • Schedule meetings with department heads to discuss migration timelines
    • Create a migration FAQ document and distribute it
    • Establish a helpdesk for migration-related queries
    • Notify users about the features and benefits of Windows 11
    • Set up a migration timeline with milestones
    • Identify and list critical applications that need testing
    • Inform users about any potential downtime
    • Provide clear instructions for backup and data preservation
    • Create a feedback loop for users to report issues and suggestions
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Test and prepare

    • Select a pilot group of users to test the Windows 11 migration
    • Ensure critical applications are compatible with Windows 11
    • Configure a test environment to simulate the migration
    • Document any issues encountered during the pilot phase
    • Adjust migration plans based on pilot feedback
    • Prepare a step-by-step guide for the migration process
    • Create a checklist for post-migration tasks
    • Gather resources such as software keys and drivers
    • Ensure all hardware meets Windows 11 requirements
    • Develop a contingency plan for unexpected issues
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Execute and support

    • Initiate the migration process department by department
    • Perform regular check-ins with users during their migration
    • Provide on-site and remote support for any technical issues
    • Monitor the migration progress and update the timeline as needed
    • Ensure users' data is successfully transferred and accessible
    • Train users on Windows 11 features and functionalities
    • Keep communication channels open for troubleshooting
    • Collect feedback from users post-migration
    • Address any reported issues promptly
    • Evaluate the overall success of the migration plan and document lessons learned

Strategies and tactics for developing a digital marketing strategy for a B2B IT company

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Optimise website and SEO

    • Conduct a full website audit and identify areas for improvement
    • Optimise website for speed and mobile responsiveness
    • Implement on-page SEO, including meta tags, headers, and keyword optimisation
    • Create high-quality, SEO-friendly content for the blog and service pages
    • Acquire backlinks from reputable sources through guest posts and partnerships
    • Implement technical SEO, including XML sitemaps and schema markup
    • Regularly update content to keep it fresh and relevant
    • Utilise tools like Google Analytics and Search Console to monitor performance
    • Set up goal tracking to measure conversions and user engagement
    • Assign a dedicated SEO specialist to continuously monitor and optimise
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Leverage content marketing

    • Develop a content marketing strategy focusing on informative, high-value content
    • Identify key topics and keywords relevant to your target audience
    • Create a content calendar to ensure regular posting
    • Produce a mix of content types, including blogs, whitepapers, case studies, and infographics
    • Distribute content through various channels like social media, email, and guest blogs
    • Use marketing automation tools to segment the audience and deliver personalised content
    • Measure content performance using metrics like engagement, shares, and lead generation
    • Encourage team members to contribute their expertise and insights
    • Collaborate with industry influencers to expand reach
    • Assign a content manager to oversee content creation and distribution
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Implement targeted advertising

    • Use data analytics to identify the most effective channels for advertising
    • Create targeted ad campaigns on LinkedIn, Google Ads, and industry-specific platforms
    • Develop compelling ad copy and creatives that speak to the pain points and needs of your audience
    • Segment audiences based on job roles, industries, and company size for personalised messaging
    • Use retargeting ads to re-engage website visitors
    • Monitor ad performance and optimise campaigns based on data insights
    • Set up conversion tracking to measure the effectiveness of ads
    • Conduct A/B testing on ad copy and creatives to find the best performers
    • Allocate budget based on channel performance and ROI
    • Assign a dedicated paid advertising specialist to manage and optimise campaigns

Strategies and tactics for replacing privilege access management tools by fiscal year 2026

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Evaluate current PAM tools

    • Conduct an inventory of all current PAM tools and document their features
    • Survey the IT team for feedback on current tools’ strengths and weaknesses
    • Analyse the cost and licensing agreements of current PAM tools
    • Assess the compliance and security capabilities of current PAM tools
    • Identify any integrations each PAM tool has with other systems
    • Compile a list of pain points and areas for improvement in current tools
    • Determine the total operational costs associated with current PAM tools
    • Collect user feedback on usability and effectiveness of current PAM tools
    • Gather data on instances of security breaches and their association with current PAM tools
    • Report findings and benchmarking data to stakeholders
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Research and shortlist new PAM tool options

    • Compile a list of leading PAM tools in the market
    • Review online resources and industry reports on top PAM solutions
    • Engage with industry forums and communities to gather recommendations
    • Schedule demonstrations and product walk-throughs with leading PAM providers
    • Evaluate the features and specs of potential new PAM tools
    • Assess the integration capabilities with existing systems of shortlisted PAM tools
    • Analyse cost and licensing details of new PAM tools
    • Check compliance and security standards of new PAM tools
    • Solicit feedback from a sample group of users via trial implementations
    • Create a summary of findings to present to key decision-makers
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Implement and transition to new PAM tools

    • Develop a detailed implementation plan with timelines and milestones
    • Assign roles and responsibilities to the implementation team
    • Establish a communication plan to inform stakeholders and users about the changes
    • Schedule training sessions for IT and relevant staff on new PAM tools
    • Migrate data and settings from old to new PAM tools as per the transition plan
    • Conduct rigorous testing to ensure seamless integration and functionality
    • Address any issues and bugs identified during the testing phase
    • Roll out the new PAM tools in phases to minimize disruption
    • Establish a support system for end-users to report problems and seek help
    • Monitor the performance of new PAM tools and make necessary adjustments

Strategies and tactics for reducing the email traffic to partner financial advisers on newsletters

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Consolidate newsletters

    • Assess the current number of newsletters being sent to identify overlap
    • Create a unified schedule for sending consolidated newsletters
    • Design a single comprehensive newsletter template
    • Classify information into sections to make it easier to navigate
    • Develop a content calendar to streamline topics and avoid repetition
    • Coordinate with all departments to include their updates in the consolidated newsletter
    • Test the consolidated newsletter format with a small group of advisers and gather feedback
    • Adjust the frequency of the consolidated newsletter based on adviser feedback
    • Train the communications team on the new process for submitting content
    • Monitor open rates and engagement to ensure the consolidated newsletters are effective
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Segment the audience

    • Analyse the types of advisers and their specific information needs
    • Create distinct mailing lists for different adviser segments
    • Categorise newsletters content based on relevance to each segment
    • Utilise email marketing software to automate segmented mailing
    • Develop personalised content for each adviser segment
    • Send a survey to advisers to ask about their content preferences
    • Adjust the frequency of newsletters based on segment preferences
    • Create specific sections within newsletters targeted to each segment
    • Monitor the performance of segmented emails to refine targeting
    • Communicate the reduced and segmented approach to advisers to set expectations
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Utilise an online portal

    • Develop an online portal where advisers can access newsletter content at their convenience
    • Upload all past and current newsletters to the portal
    • Categorise information within the portal for easy navigation
    • Send monthly summary emails directing advisers to the portal
    • Implement a notification system to alert advisers of new content on the portal
    • Survey advisers to gather feedback on the portal’s usability
    • Offer training or tutorials on how to use the portal
    • Monitor the usage and activity on the portal to gauge its effectiveness
    • Regularly update the portal with fresh and relevant content
    • Encourage advisers to set preferences for email updates from the portal

Strategies and tactics for creating a clothing brand website

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Plan the website structure

    • Identify key pages to include such as homepage, product pages, about us, and contact
    • Create a sitemap that outlines the hierarchy and flow between pages
    • Research competitors' websites to understand industry standards
    • Define the target audience and tailor the site structure to their needs
    • Decide on essential features like shopping cart, wish list, and product zoom
    • Plan the navigation menu for ease of use
    • Consider integrating a blog for increased engagement and SEO
    • Identify design elements that align with the brand’s identity
    • Prioritise mobile responsiveness in the structure plan
    • Draft initial wireframes of key pages
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Develop content and visuals

    • Write engaging and concise product descriptions for all items
    • Organise a photoshoot to capture high-quality images of products
    • Design the logo and other branding elements if they do not already exist
    • Create banners and marketing visuals for homepage and promotions
    • Develop an 'About Us' page that tells the brand’s story and mission
    • Ensure all photos are optimised for web to aid in faster loading times
    • Develop customer testimonials or case studies to include
    • Craft persuasive copy for call-to-action buttons and sections
    • Consider creating video content like product showcases or brand stories
    • Compile all content and visuals into a coherent style guide
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Set up website functionality

    • Choose a website builder or platform, such as Shopify, WordPress, or Wix
    • Set up domain name and hosting services
    • Install necessary plugins and extensions for ecommerce functionality
    • Integrate payment gateways for secure transactions
    • Implement a user-friendly check-out process
    • Ensure website security with SSL certificates and regular updates
    • Set up analytics tools like Google Analytics to monitor website traffic
    • Test all interactive features like forms, shopping cart, and search function
    • Create a customer service section with FAQs and contact information
    • Launch the website and promote it through social media and email marketing

Strategies and tactics for creating a 2025 strategy for the Content function

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Enhance content quality

    • Conduct a comprehensive content audit to identify gaps and improvement areas
    • Hire and train skilled content creators and editors
    • Establish clear content guidelines and standards
    • Implement a content review and feedback loop
    • Invest in advanced content creation tools and software
    • Enhance storytelling techniques and audience engagement
    • Regularly update and refresh existing content to maintain relevance
    • Introduce SEO best practices into all content production
    • Create data-driven content strategies based on audience insights and feedback
    • Encourage collaboration between content teams and other departments
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Utilise advanced technologies

    • Invest in AI-based content generation tools
    • Leverage data analytics for personalised content delivery
    • Implement a robust content management system (CMS)
    • Adopt machine learning for content recommendations and curation
    • Integrate chatbots and virtual assistants for interactive content
    • Utilise predictive analytics to anticipate content trends
    • Explore augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) for immersive content experiences
    • Automate repetitive content tasks using RPA (Robotic Process Automation)
    • Enhance multimedia content with high-quality video and audio production
    • Ensure compatibility and optimisation for emerging platforms and devices
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Expand content distribution channels

    • Identify and tap into new and emerging content platforms
    • Develop a multi-channel distribution strategy
    • Form strategic partnerships with key industry players
    • Enhance social media presence and engagement
    • Utilise influencer marketing to broaden reach
    • Engage with niche communities and forums
    • Implement a robust email marketing campaign for content distribution
    • Attend and participate in industry events and webinars
    • Explore podcasting and other auditory content formats
    • Track and analyse performance metrics across all distribution channels

Executing your It Team strategies

Having a plan is one thing, sticking to it is another.

Having a good strategy is only half the effort. You'll increase significantly your chances of success if you commit to a weekly check-in process.

A tool like Tability can also help you by combining AI and goal-setting to keep you on track.

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More strategies recently published

We have more templates to help you draft your team goals and OKRs.

Planning resources

OKRs are a great way to translate strategies into measurable goals. Here are a list of resources to help you adopt the OKR framework:

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