10 strategies and tactics for Content Manager

What is a Content Manager strategy?

Every great achievement starts with a well-thought-out plan. It can be the launch of a new product, expanding into new markets, or just trying to increase efficiency. You'll need a delicate combination of strategies and tactics to ensure that the journey is smooth and effective.

Finding the right Content Manager strategy can be daunting, especially when you're busy working on your day-to-day tasks. This is why we've curated a list of examples for your inspiration.

Copy these examples into your preferred tool, or utilize Tability to ensure you remain accountable.

Building your own Content Manager strategy with AI

While we have some examples available, it's likely that you'll have specific scenarios that aren't covered here. You can use our free AI generator below or our more complete goal-setting system to generate your own strategies.

Content Manager strategy examples

You will find in the next section many different Content Manager tactics. We've included action items in our templates to make it as actionable as possible.

Strategies and tactics for managing Question of the Day Project for NSCA and RISE Growth Lab

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Align with the content calendar

    • Review the SOL content calendar thoroughly
    • Identify key topics that align with NSCA and RISE Growth Lab objectives
    • Create a master schedule incorporating key dates from the SOL content calendar
    • Categorise questions by relevance to upcoming content
    • Synchronise the publication of questions with the content calendar
    • Hold bi-weekly meetings with the content team to discuss upcoming topics
    • Set reminders for key content calendar dates
    • Use project management software like Trello to track progress
    • Share the master schedule with all team members
    • Regularly review and adjust the alignment as necessary
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Develop a structured workflow

    • Define clear roles and responsibilities for team members
    • Establish a template for question creation
    • Create a standard operating procedure document
    • Set deadlines for question drafts in line with the content calendar
    • Implement an editorial review process for questions
    • Set up a feedback loop with team members and stakeholders
    • Utilise collaborative tools like Google Docs for question drafts
    • Incorporate a quality assurance step before publishing
    • Maintain an archive of past questions for reference
    • Conduct weekly progress reviews
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Enhance communication and collaboration

    • Create a dedicated communication channel for the project
    • Schedule regular check-in meetings
    • Use collaborative tools like Slack or Teams
    • Develop a shared document repository
    • Encourage open feedback and suggestions
    • Ensure transparency in timelines and deadlines
    • Send out regular updates on project status
    • Address any issues or bottlenecks quickly
    • Foster a collaborative team culture
    • Celebrate milestones and achievements

Strategies and tactics for improving user engagement with updated educational content

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Update educational content regularly

    • Conduct a content audit to identify outdated articles
    • Set up a monthly calendar for updating educational content
    • Identify content gaps and create new articles to fill them
    • Collaborate with subject matter experts to review and improve content
    • Use data analytics to identify which articles need the most updating
    • Add multimedia elements such as videos and infographics to articles
    • Integrate interactive elements like quizzes and polls in the content
    • Test the updated content with a focus group before full deployment
    • Monitor user engagement metrics post-update to gauge effectiveness
    • Create a dedicated team to oversee regular content updates
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Decrease abandonment rate in educational sign-ups

    • Analyse the sign-up process and identify pain points
    • Simplify the sign-up process to reduce friction
    • Implement email reminders and follow-ups for sign-ups
    • Offer incentives, like exclusive content or discounts, to complete sign-ups
    • Implement a user onboarding process to guide new users
    • Gather feedback from users on why they abandon the sign-up process
    • Conduct A/B testing on sign-up forms to determine the most effective layout
    • Provide a progress bar during the sign-up process
    • Highlight user benefits and success stories on the sign-up page
    • Track and analyse abandonment rates regularly to measure progress
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Increase the amount of feedback on educational articles by 15%

    • Add feedback forms at the end of each article
    • Incentivise users to provide feedback with rewards or recognition
    • Conduct user surveys focusing on content satisfaction
    • Set up a community forum where users can discuss articles
    • Implement user ratings and reviews for each article
    • Host webinars or live Q&A sessions to gather real-time feedback
    • Monitor social media channels for unsolicited feedback
    • Encourage feedback through personalised emails
    • Automate reminders for feedback post-article completion
    • Regularly review and act on the feedback received to demonstrate its value

Strategies and tactics for building an audience

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Leveraging social media

    • Identify the most relevant social media platforms for your target audience
    • Create and optimise your profile on each platform with consistent branding
    • Post high-quality, engaging content regularly following a content calendar
    • Use relevant hashtags to increase the visibility of your posts
    • Engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages promptly
    • Collaborate with influencers in your niche to reach new followers
    • Utilise social media ads to target specific demographics
    • Offer exclusive content or promotions to your social media followers
    • Monitor and analyse engagement metrics to improve your strategy
    • Host social media contests or giveaways to increase engagement and follower count
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Creating valuable content

    • Research your audience's interests and pain points
    • Develop a content plan with a mix of formats (blogs, videos, infographics)
    • Publish consistent and high-quality content on a regular schedule
    • Optimise your content for SEO to increase organic reach
    • Share your content across various platforms and repurpose it
    • Encourage users to share your content with their network
    • Invite guest contributors to provide fresh perspectives
    • Create a mix of evergreen and timely content
    • Include strong calls to action to encourage audience engagement
    • Collect feedback on your content to continually improve its value
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Building an email list

    • Create a compelling lead magnet to encourage sign-ups
    • Embed sign-up forms prominently on your website and social media
    • Segment your email list for targeted communication
    • Craft personalised and engaging email content
    • Send regular newsletters with valuable information and updates
    • Use email automation tools to nurture leads and encourage engagement
    • Offer exclusive content or discounts to email subscribers
    • Encourage current subscribers to share your emails with others
    • Monitor open and click-through rates to optimise your strategy
    • Regularly clean your email list to maintain high deliverability

Strategies and tactics for implementing digital marketing strategies for startups

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Create engaging content

    • Develop a content calendar for blogs, videos, and social media posts
    • Research and use popular keywords in content to improve SEO
    • Create informative and engaging blog posts on industry-related topics
    • Use high-quality images and infographics to support your content
    • Share customer success stories and testimonials
    • Develop and publish video content demonstrating your product
    • Schedule regular social media posts to ensure consistent engagement
    • Create interactive content like polls, quizzes, and surveys
    • Collaborate with industry influencers to expand reach
    • Analyse content performance and adjust strategies based on results
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Utilise social media marketing

    • Identify the social media platforms where your target audience is most active
    • Set up and optimise social media profiles with consistent branding
    • Post regularly and engage with followers through comments and messages
    • Utilise social media advertising to target specific demographics
    • Run social media contests and giveaways to increase engagement
    • Post user-generated content to build community trust
    • Use hashtags strategically to increase content discoverability
    • Partner with influencers to promote your brand
    • Monitor social media analytics to track performance
    • Adjust social media strategy based on analytics and feedback
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Implement email marketing campaigns

    • Build a strong email list through opt-in forms on your website
    • Segment your email list based on customer preferences and behaviours
    • Craft personalised and engaging email content
    • Use attention-grabbing subject lines to improve open rates
    • Offer exclusive promotions and discounts to email subscribers
    • Automate email campaigns for welcome series and follow-ups
    • Send regular newsletters with company updates and industry news
    • Monitor email analytics to track open rates, click rates, and conversions
    • A/B test different email elements to optimise performance
    • Regularly clean your email list to remove inactive subscribers

Strategies and tactics for increasing LinkedIn followers

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Run a post engagement campaign

    • Create a content calendar with planned posts for each day
    • Design engaging and shareable graphics for each post
    • Write compelling captions with a call-to-action in each post
    • Utilise LinkedIn hashtags to increase post visibility
    • Share success stories and case studies from clients
    • Post a mix of industry news, company updates, and employee spotlights
    • Encourage employees to share company posts on their personal LinkedIn profiles
    • Analyse engagement metrics to identify high-performing posts
    • Respond to comments and engage with followers daily
    • Adjust content strategy based on performance analysis
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Leverage LinkedIn groups and communities

    • Identify and join LinkedIn groups relevant to your industry
    • Share valuable content from your company page within these groups
    • Engage in group discussions to increase visibility
    • Post regular updates and insights from your company page in groups
    • Request group admins to feature your posts if relevant
    • Promote your company page as a resourceful LinkedIn page within these groups
    • Connect with group members and invite them to follow your company page
    • Offer exclusive content or insights for group members
    • Host a group-specific LinkedIn live session or webinar
    • Monitor group interactions and tweak content strategy accordingly
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Implement a targeted advertising campaign

    • Allocate a budget for LinkedIn ads
    • Create a series of sponsored posts targeting your ideal audience
    • Design engaging ad creatives with a clear call-to-action
    • Set up audience targeting parameters for your ads
    • Experiment with different ad formats (carousel, video, etc.)
    • Monitor ad performance and adjust targeting as needed
    • A/B test different ad creatives to identify what works best
    • Use LinkedIn’s lead gen forms to capture interested followers
    • Run a retargeting campaign for users who engaged with your previous ads
    • Analyse ad campaign results to refine future strategies

Strategies and tactics for developing a digital marketing strategy for a B2B IT company

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Optimise website and SEO

    • Conduct a full website audit and identify areas for improvement
    • Optimise website for speed and mobile responsiveness
    • Implement on-page SEO, including meta tags, headers, and keyword optimisation
    • Create high-quality, SEO-friendly content for the blog and service pages
    • Acquire backlinks from reputable sources through guest posts and partnerships
    • Implement technical SEO, including XML sitemaps and schema markup
    • Regularly update content to keep it fresh and relevant
    • Utilise tools like Google Analytics and Search Console to monitor performance
    • Set up goal tracking to measure conversions and user engagement
    • Assign a dedicated SEO specialist to continuously monitor and optimise
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Leverage content marketing

    • Develop a content marketing strategy focusing on informative, high-value content
    • Identify key topics and keywords relevant to your target audience
    • Create a content calendar to ensure regular posting
    • Produce a mix of content types, including blogs, whitepapers, case studies, and infographics
    • Distribute content through various channels like social media, email, and guest blogs
    • Use marketing automation tools to segment the audience and deliver personalised content
    • Measure content performance using metrics like engagement, shares, and lead generation
    • Encourage team members to contribute their expertise and insights
    • Collaborate with industry influencers to expand reach
    • Assign a content manager to oversee content creation and distribution
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Implement targeted advertising

    • Use data analytics to identify the most effective channels for advertising
    • Create targeted ad campaigns on LinkedIn, Google Ads, and industry-specific platforms
    • Develop compelling ad copy and creatives that speak to the pain points and needs of your audience
    • Segment audiences based on job roles, industries, and company size for personalised messaging
    • Use retargeting ads to re-engage website visitors
    • Monitor ad performance and optimise campaigns based on data insights
    • Set up conversion tracking to measure the effectiveness of ads
    • Conduct A/B testing on ad copy and creatives to find the best performers
    • Allocate budget based on channel performance and ROI
    • Assign a dedicated paid advertising specialist to manage and optimise campaigns

Strategies and tactics for implementing marketing strategies for a fintech company

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Utilise content marketing

    • Create a blog offering financial advice and insights
    • Publish case studies showcasing customer success stories
    • Develop e-books or whitepapers on fintech trends
    • Launch a video series explaining complex financial concepts
    • Leverage guest blogging on reputable financial sites
    • Write and distribute press releases on new product launches
    • Share industry news and company updates on social media
    • Create infographics to simplify data and statistics
    • Host webinars featuring financial experts
    • Use email newsletters to share content and company news
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Expand social media presence

    • Create profiles on multiple social media platforms
    • Develop a content calendar for regular posting
    • Engage with followers by responding to comments and messages
    • Run targeted ads on social media platforms
    • Share customer testimonials and user-generated content
    • Post interactive content such as polls and questions
    • Collaborate with influencers and financial bloggers
    • Use hashtags to increase post visibility
    • Live stream events and product launches
    • Analyse social media metrics to optimise strategies
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Leverage partnerships and collaborations

    • Identify and reach out to potential partners in related industries
    • Develop co-branded marketing campaigns
    • Participate in co-hosting webinars and events
    • Offer exclusive deals through partner channels
    • Collaborate on research and development of industry insights
    • Share each other’s content on social media
    • Create joint press releases and announcements
    • Sponsor partner’s events and vice versa
    • Feature partners in company blog and case studies
    • Analyse the effectiveness of each partnership

Strategies and tactics for generating more leads via influencer marketing for a B2B SaaS product

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Identify and engage with relevant influencers

    • Research and compile a list of influencers in the B2B SaaS space
    • Analyse each influencer’s audience demographics and engagement rates
    • Select influencers who align with your brand values and have substantial reach
    • Initiate contact through personalised emails or messages
    • Offer to provide them with a free trial or demo of your SaaS product
    • Negotiate terms of the partnership, including deliverables and compensation
    • Provide them with marketing materials and key product information
    • Create a custom discount code or offer for their audience
    • Engage regularly with their content to build a stronger relationship
    • Monitor and assess the performance of each influencer partnership
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Create collaborative content to showcase your product

    • Brainstorm content ideas that highlight the benefits of your SaaS product
    • Collaborate with influencers to co-create blog posts, case studies, or whitepapers
    • Produce high-quality videos or webinars featuring the influencer using your product
    • Host live Q&A sessions with influencers to answer potential customers' questions
    • Encourage influencers to share behind-the-scenes content of them using your product
    • Share collaborative content across your own social media channels and website
    • Optimise all content for SEO to increase its discoverability
    • Track the performance of each content piece in terms of engagement and lead generation
    • Request testimonials or reviews from influencers to use in your marketing materials
    • Repurpose the best-performing content into different formats to extend its reach
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Leverage social media platforms for influencer campaigns

    • Choose social media platforms where your target audience is most active
    • Coordinate with influencers to create sponsored posts or stories
    • Develop a consistent posting schedule for influencer content
    • Use relevant hashtags to increase the visibility of influencer posts
    • Encourage influencers to share user-generated content from their followers
    • Run joint contests or giveaways to boost engagement and attract leads
    • Use paid promotions to amplify the reach of influencer content
    • Monitor social media analytics to measure the success of influencer campaigns
    • Adjust your strategy based on feedback and performance data
    • Maintain ongoing communication with influencers to ensure campaign alignment

Strategies and tactics for building an AI strategy for Instagram

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Automate post scheduling

    • Identify optimal posting times using Instagram Insights
    • Use AI tools like Hootsuite or Buffer to schedule posts
    • Create a content calendar to ensure a consistent posting schedule
    • Automate carousel posts for popular items like pizzas or specials
    • Schedule stories about daily specials or behind-the-scenes content
    • Automate IGTV posts showcasing cooking processes or chef introductions
    • Regularly update posts based on engagement analytics
    • Use AI to curate hashtags for each post based on trends
    • Set reminders for follower interaction posts
    • Analyse engagement rates regularly to adjust posting times as needed
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Utilise AI-driven content creation

    • Leverage AI tools to generate captions and hashtags
    • Use AI to analyse popular food photography styles to emulate
    • Create templates for announcements and special offers using graphic design AI tools
    • Incorporate AI to predict and align with emerging food trends
    • Utilise AI-based video editing tools to create engaging reels
    • Automate the inclusion of user-generated content with proper credits
    • Generate periodic AI-based contests or giveaways to increase engagement
    • Use AI to maintain a consistent aesthetic in posts
    • Analyse competitor accounts using AI for insights and ideas
    • Implement AI tools for auto-generating FAQs and answers in comments
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Engage followers with AI-powered interaction

    • Implement AI chatbots for immediate replies to DMs
    • Use AI to monitor and respond to comments in real-time
    • Automate personalised thank you messages for new followers
    • Utilise AI to conduct sentiment analysis on posts and comments for insights
    • Use AI to identify and engage with influential food bloggers and local influencers
    • Incorporate AI to track and respond to mentions and tags
    • Generate AI-driven polls and quizzes in stories to boost engagement
    • Automate periodic check-ins with followers through DMs
    • Use AI to follow and unfollow accounts strategically to grow followers
    • Implement AI analytics to measure the engagement rate periodically and adjust interaction strategies

Strategies and tactics for tripling LinkedIn followers

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Optimise your profile

    • Update your profile picture with a professional headshot
    • Write a compelling headline that clearly states your expertise
    • Create a detailed and engaging summary about your professional journey
    • Add all relevant work experience with highlights of key achievements
    • Solicit endorsements and recommendations from previous employers and colleagues
    • Showcase your skills by listing them accurately on your profile
    • Add certificates and relevant courses to your profile to showcase your expertise
    • Regularly update your profile with new accomplishments and experiences
    • Ensure your contact information is up to date
    • Use keywords relevant to your industry to improve searchability
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Engage with your audience

    • Post high-quality, informative content relevant to your industry
    • Share industry news and add your own insights
    • Comment on and share posts made by your connections
    • Participate in LinkedIn groups related to your field
    • Respond to comments and messages in a timely manner
    • Like and comment on posts from influential figures in your industry
    • Host LinkedIn live sessions to engage with your audience directly
    • Run polls and surveys to encourage interaction
    • Tag relevant people and companies in your posts to increase visibility
    • Share success stories and case studies demonstrating your expertise
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Expand your network strategically

    • Send personalised connection requests to people in your industry
    • Follow industry leaders and influencers and engage with their content
    • Attend virtual networking events and connect with attendees on LinkedIn
    • Utilise LinkedIn's connection suggestions to expand your network
    • Reconnect with old colleagues and classmates and add them to your network
    • Write and share articles on LinkedIn to establish yourself as a thought leader
    • Engage with your company's LinkedIn page and encourage your colleagues to do the same
    • Partner with other professionals for joint content or events
    • Use LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator to find and connect with targeted prospects
    • Regularly review your network and remove inactive or irrelevant connections

Executing your Content Manager strategies

Having a plan is one thing, sticking to it is another.

Don't fall into the set-and-forget trap. It is important to adopt a weekly check-in process to keep your strategy agile – otherwise this is nothing more than a reporting exercise.

A tool like Tability can also help you by combining AI and goal-setting to keep you on track.

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Planning resources

OKRs are a great way to translate strategies into measurable goals. Here are a list of resources to help you adopt the OKR framework:

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