10 strategies and tactics for Marketing Strategist

What is a Marketing Strategist strategy?

Every great achievement starts with a well-thought-out plan. It can be the launch of a new product, expanding into new markets, or just trying to increase efficiency. You'll need a delicate combination of strategies and tactics to ensure that the journey is smooth and effective.

Crafting the perfect Marketing Strategist strategy can feel overwhelming, particularly when you're juggling daily responsibilities. That's why we've put together a collection of examples to spark your inspiration.

Transfer these examples to your app of choice, or opt for Tability to help keep you on track.

Building your own Marketing Strategist strategy with AI

While we have some examples available, it's likely that you'll have specific scenarios that aren't covered here. You can use our free AI generator below or our more complete goal-setting system to generate your own strategies.

Marketing Strategist strategy examples

You will find in the next section many different Marketing Strategist tactics. We've included action items in our templates to make it as actionable as possible.

Strategies and tactics for implementing content marketing

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Develop a content strategy

    • Conduct a content audit to see what is performing well
    • Define your target audience personas
    • Set clear content marketing goals
    • Create an editorial calendar
    • Determine the types of content to produce (blogs, videos, infographics, etc.)
    • Allocate resources for content creation (writers, designers, etc.)
    • Conduct keyword research to guide content topics
    • Establish guidelines for content quality and branding
    • Plan content distribution channels
    • Set up metrics for measuring content performance
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Create high-quality content

    • Create engaging blog posts with valuable information
    • Develop video content that resonates with your audience
    • Design infographics to visually represent data
    • Write compelling social media posts to drive engagement
    • Produce detailed guides and ebooks to provide in-depth knowledge
    • Invite industry experts to contribute guest posts
    • Regularly update and repurpose top-performing content
    • Use storytelling techniques to make content more relatable
    • Create content that encourages user-generated content
    • Work with influencers to produce co-branded content
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Distribute and promote content

    • Share content on social media platforms at optimal times
    • Use email marketing to distribute new content to subscribers
    • Invest in paid advertising to amplify content reach
    • Engage with online communities and forums to share relevant content
    • Collaborate with other brands for content sharing opportunities
    • Submit content to industry publications and websites
    • Encourage employees to share content on their social profiles
    • Optimise content for SEO to increase organic reach
    • Analyse content performance and adjust distribution strategy
    • Use tools like Google Analytics to track engagement and metrics

Strategies and tactics for building an outbound and inbound marketing strategy for a recruiting and virtual assistants agency

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Develop a strong inbound marketing content system

    • Create a blog on your website focusing on recruitment and virtual assistant topics
    • Produce an ebook or whitepaper that provides deep insights into hiring virtual assistants
    • Utilise social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to share valuable content
    • Develop a series of informative webinars and online workshops
    • Implement an SEO strategy to improve the visibility of your content in search engines
    • Create a mailing list and send out regular newsletters with useful content and updates
    • Develop case studies and customer testimonials to build trust
    • Create video content discussing industry trends and tips
    • Start a podcast focused on recruitment and virtual assistants
    • Implement lead magnets to capture contact information from website visitors
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Utilise targeted outbound marketing techniques

    • Identify your target market and create detailed buyer personas
    • Build a high-quality prospect list using LinkedIn Sales Navigator and other tools
    • Craft personalised email outreach campaigns tailored to different segments of your audience
    • Utilise cold calling scripts to contact potential clients and candidates
    • Attend industry conferences, trade shows, and networking events
    • Partner with industry influencers and thought leaders for endorsements and collaborations
    • Utilise direct mail campaigns for high-value prospects
    • Implement retargeting ads on social media and Google for valuable prospects
    • Join relevant LinkedIn and Facebook groups and actively participate in discussions
    • Utilise CRM software to track and manage outbound marketing efforts
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Build and nurture a strong online presence

    • Develop a user-friendly and informative website showcasing your services and expertise
    • Ensure your website is optimised for mobile devices
    • Create a compelling ‘About Us’ page highlighting your team’s expertise and experience
    • Develop landing pages tailored to specific services and target audiences
    • Implement an online chat system to offer immediate assistance to visitors
    • Actively solicit and display client reviews and testimonials on your website
    • Maintain an active and engaging presence on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
    • Utilise targeted PPC campaigns to drive traffic to your website
    • Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews on platforms like Google My Business and Trustpilot
    • Monitor and respond to online reviews and feedback promptly and professionally

Strategies and tactics for implementing digital marketing strategies for startups

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Create engaging content

    • Develop a content calendar for blogs, videos, and social media posts
    • Research and use popular keywords in content to improve SEO
    • Create informative and engaging blog posts on industry-related topics
    • Use high-quality images and infographics to support your content
    • Share customer success stories and testimonials
    • Develop and publish video content demonstrating your product
    • Schedule regular social media posts to ensure consistent engagement
    • Create interactive content like polls, quizzes, and surveys
    • Collaborate with industry influencers to expand reach
    • Analyse content performance and adjust strategies based on results
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Utilise social media marketing

    • Identify the social media platforms where your target audience is most active
    • Set up and optimise social media profiles with consistent branding
    • Post regularly and engage with followers through comments and messages
    • Utilise social media advertising to target specific demographics
    • Run social media contests and giveaways to increase engagement
    • Post user-generated content to build community trust
    • Use hashtags strategically to increase content discoverability
    • Partner with influencers to promote your brand
    • Monitor social media analytics to track performance
    • Adjust social media strategy based on analytics and feedback
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Implement email marketing campaigns

    • Build a strong email list through opt-in forms on your website
    • Segment your email list based on customer preferences and behaviours
    • Craft personalised and engaging email content
    • Use attention-grabbing subject lines to improve open rates
    • Offer exclusive promotions and discounts to email subscribers
    • Automate email campaigns for welcome series and follow-ups
    • Send regular newsletters with company updates and industry news
    • Monitor email analytics to track open rates, click rates, and conversions
    • A/B test different email elements to optimise performance
    • Regularly clean your email list to remove inactive subscribers

Strategies and tactics for understanding the business model, barriers, and client targets in line with the economy of functionality and cooperation

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Conduct comprehensive market research

    • Identify existing market trends and demands within the economy of functionality and cooperation
    • Analyse competing businesses that leverage similar economic models
    • Survey clients to understand their needs and preferences related to functionality and cooperation
    • Examine internal data to identify current strengths and weaknesses
    • Assess external opportunities and threats in the market
    • Compile data into an actionable insights report
    • Review the insights report with key stakeholders
    • Develop hypotheses on potential strategic adjustments
    • Test these hypotheses through limited pilot programmes
    • Adjust the strategy based on pilot feedback
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Redefine the business model

    • Evaluate the current business model for alignment with functionality and cooperation principles
    • Identify areas within the current model that need enhancement
    • Engage with economists specialising in functional economies for insights
    • Brainstorm innovative revenue streams and value propositions
    • Map out a new business model framework
    • Discuss the new framework with senior management and key stakeholders
    • Secure buy-in and support for changes from all levels of the organisation
    • Develop an implementation roadmap with timelines and key performance indicators
    • Conduct staff training sessions on the new business model
    • Monitor and adjust the model based on real-time feedback and results
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Target and engage a new client base

    • Define ideal client profiles based on functional economy principles
    • Create targeted marketing campaigns focused on cooperation and value delivery
    • Leverage partnerships with organisations sharing similar values
    • Utilise social media and digital platforms to reach a broader audience
    • Host webinars and live events to educate potential clients
    • Offer introductory pricing or trial periods to entice new customers
    • Collect feedback from new clients to understand their pain points
    • Adjust marketing and service offerings based on feedback
    • Measure success through client acquisition and retention metrics
    • Refine client targeting continuously based on market and feedback analysis

Strategies and tactics for improving conversion rates of our app

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Optimise user onboarding process

    • Simplify the registration process by reducing the number of steps required
    • Include a progress indicator during the signup process to inform users how many steps are remaining
    • Add a tutorial or walkthrough to guide new users through key features
    • Implement personalised onboarding messages based on user behaviour
    • A/B test different sign-up forms to find the most effective version
    • Utilise in-app tips to help users discover important functionalities
    • Gather feedback from new users on their onboarding experience
    • Monitor user drop-off points in the onboarding flow and address issues
    • Ensure the app's user interface is intuitive and user-friendly
    • Provide incentives for completing the onboarding process, such as discounts or free trials
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Enhance marketing efforts

    • Develop targeted email campaigns to re-engage inactive users
    • Utilise social media advertising to reach new potential users
    • Create compelling value propositions in marketing materials
    • Leverage case studies and user testimonials to build credibility
    • Implement retargeting campaigns to re-engage users who have visited the app but haven’t converted
    • Collaborate with influencers to promote the app
    • Offer limited-time promotions and discounts to encourage sign-ups
    • Optimise app store listings with relevant keywords and appealing descriptions
    • Monitor marketing campaign performance and adjust strategies accordingly
    • Use analytics tools to track the effectiveness of each marketing channel
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Increase customer engagement

    • Implement push notifications to remind users of app features and updates
    • Create a loyalty programme to reward repeat users
    • Offer in-app chat support to assist users with any issues in real-time
    • Gather user feedback regularly to understand pain points and preferences
    • Host webinars or live Q&A sessions to engage directly with the user base
    • Personalise in-app content based on user data and behaviour
    • Conduct surveys to identify areas for improvement
    • Encourage users to provide app ratings and reviews
    • Create engaging content such as blogs, videos, or tutorials related to the app
    • Analyse user data to identify and focus on high-engagement segments

Strategies and tactics for designing lead generation and qualification methods for consulting services

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Identify target audience

    • Create a detailed profile of ideal clients including company size, industry and location
    • Research and list potential industries that require change management and business transformation services
    • Identify key decision-makers within target companies
    • Utilise LinkedIn Sales Navigator to find and connect with decision-makers
    • Analyse current client base to find common characteristics
    • Use industry reports and databases to identify promising companies
    • Segment target companies by their readiness for change and transformation
    • Monitor social media for companies announcing major changes or challenges
    • Subscribe to industry-specific newsletters to keep updated on potential leads
    • Create a referral programme with existing clients and industry contacts
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Generate high-quality leads

    • Create a content marketing plan focusing on change management and business transformation
    • Develop case studies showcasing successful past projects
    • Host webinars and online workshops on relevant topics
    • Utilise SEO strategies to drive organic traffic to the consulting firm's website
    • Create targeted email campaigns to promote services
    • Collaborate with industry influencers to increase reach
    • Invest in paid advertising on LinkedIn and Google targeting decision-makers
    • Attend industry conferences and trade shows to network with potential clients
    • Offer free initial consultations to attract interested companies
    • Leverage customer testimonials and reviews to build credibility and attract leads
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Prequalify and nurture leads

    • Develop a lead scoring system to rank leads based on their potential value
    • Create a detailed qualification questionnaire to understand client needs and budget
    • Schedule initial discovery calls to gather information and qualify leads
    • Use a CRM system to track and manage leads throughout the sales funnel
    • Segment leads based on their readiness to engage in consulting services
    • Provide personalised follow-up communications to nurture leads
    • Implement a lead nurturing email campaign to keep prospects engaged
    • Offer value-added content such as whitepapers and industry reports to maintain interest
    • Evaluate leads regularly and update their status in the system
    • Train sales and consulting teams on effective qualification techniques

Strategies and tactics for determining Sales Funnel Metrics to Achieve Monthly Revenue Goals

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Calculate funnel metrics

    • Determine the number of $2,000 and $20,000 course sales needed to achieve $1 million revenue per month
    • Calculate average daily revenue targets
    • Estimate total number of required sales per month for each course
    • Assess current conversion rates from freebie to sales page
    • Identify daily visitors needed to the sales page to meet sales targets
    • Factor in current email open and click rates to convert subscribers into sales
    • Calculate required daily new subscribers to achieve desired click rates
    • Set daily lead acquisition targets based on required funnel visits
    • Analyse engagement on social media platforms to drive traffic to freebies
    • Refine metrics based on ongoing data analysis and adjustments
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Optimise freebie offerings and sales funnel

    • Develop high-converting lead magnets like PDFs or free webinars
    • Promote freebies across social media platforms including IG, FB, Pinterest, TikTok
    • Enhance website and blog content to drive organic traffic to freebies
    • Optimise email marketing strategies to increase open and click rates
    • Create compelling sales pages for $2k and $20k courses
    • Implement automated email sequences to nurture leads
    • A/B test different freebie offerings to maximise conversion rates
    • Offer value-driven content that addresses pain points of target audience
    • Run targeted ad campaigns to drive traffic to freebie signups
    • Monitor and analyse funnel performance consistently for improvements
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Increase booking of sales calls

    • Develop a compelling webinar to introduce $20k course
    • Utilise landing pages to promote webinar registrations
    • Follow up with webinar attendees with personalised email sequences
    • Set up a scheduling system for booking sales calls directly from emails and webinars
    • Provide testimonials and case studies to build trust during webinars
    • Utilise social proof and urgency tactics to encourage call bookings
    • Train sales team to handle objections and close high-ticket sales
    • Implement retargeting ads to re-engage interested leads
    • Utilise influencer partnerships to promote sales calls
    • Continuously optimise sales call scripts based on performance feedback

Strategies and tactics for improving product branding

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Identify and analyse target audience

    • Conduct market research to define the target demographic
    • Analyse the buying habits and preferences of the target audience
    • Create customer personas to represent key segments
    • Survey existing customers for feedback on the product
    • Assess competitors and their branding strategies
    • Determine the values and benefits that resonate with your audience
    • Identify the most effective marketing channels for your audience
    • Segment the audience based on key characteristics
    • Conduct focus groups to gather in-depth insights
    • Translate the gathered data into actionable branding strategies
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Develop a unique brand identity

    • Create a compelling brand story that aligns with the company's values
    • Design a memorable logo that stands out and resonates with the brand
    • Choose a colour palette that evokes the desired emotions
    • Develop a consistent typography style for all brand materials
    • Craft a distinctive brand voice and tone
    • Design packaging that reflects the brand identity
    • Create brand guidelines to ensure consistency
    • Develop a tagline that captures the essence of the brand
    • Incorporate brand elements into all marketing materials
    • Regularly review and update the brand identity to stay relevant
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Leverage digital marketing channels

    • Develop a user-friendly and visually appealing website
    • Optimise the website for search engines to increase visibility
    • Create engaging and branded content for social media
    • Utilise influencer marketing to reach wider audiences
    • Invest in online advertising to target specific demographics
    • Implement email marketing campaigns with branded templates
    • Use analytics tools to measure the effectiveness of digital efforts
    • Engage with customers on social media to build community
    • Regularly update digital content to keep it fresh and relevant
    • Host webinars or live events to connect with the audience in real time

Strategies and tactics for accommodating unpredictable weather in sales forecasting

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Leverage real-time weather data

    • Integrate a reliable weather API into your sales forecasting tools
    • Set up automated alerts for incoming weather changes
    • Develop a dynamic pricing model that adjusts based on weather forecasts
    • Analyse historical sales data against past weather patterns to identify correlations
    • Incorporate weather forecast data into your inventory management system
    • Train staff on interpreting weather impact on sales
    • Create marketing campaigns that leverage upcoming weather conditions
    • Collaborate with meteorological agencies for detailed weather predictions
    • Develop a weather impact scoring system for different product categories
    • Adjust operating hours based on severe weather predictions
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Enhance supply chain flexibility

    • Develop a contingency plan for supply chain disruptions due to weather
    • Establish relationships with multiple suppliers in different geographical locations
    • Increase buffer stock levels for essential products during peak weather seasons
    • Implement a just-in-time inventory system to reduce excess stock risks
    • Use weather forecast data to schedule transportation and deliveries optimally
    • Negotiate flexible contracts with suppliers to adjust orders based on weather conditions
    • Invest in robust warehouse infrastructure to safeguard against weather-induced damage
    • Employ predictive analytics to anticipate demand spikes due to weather changes
    • Conduct regular reviews and updates of supply chain risk management policies
    • Engage with third-party logistics providers that offer weather-responsive solutions
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Adopt innovative marketing strategies

    • Create weather-based promotional campaigns for specific product lines
    • Utilise social media to communicate real-time offers based on current weather conditions
    • Develop a mobile app feature that provides personalised recommendations based on the user's local weather
    • Offer weather insurance for certain high-value purchases
    • Run flash sales whenever extreme weather conditions are forecasted
    • Collaborate with influencers to promote weather-related products during relevant seasons
    • Adjust in-store merchandising to highlight products relevant to the forecasted weather
    • Introduce loyalty programmes that reward customers for purchases made during adverse weather conditions
    • Use email marketing to inform customers about weather-based promotions and tips
    • Analyse customer behaviour during different weather conditions to refine marketing tactics

Strategies and tactics for driving Significant Growth and Market Leadership

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Expand market reach

    • Identify and target new geographic markets
    • Develop partnerships with local healthcare providers
    • Customise marketing campaigns for new regions
    • Launch multilingual support services
    • Participate in international health fairs and conferences
    • Leverage online advertising to reach global audience
    • Offer competitive pricing for new markets
    • Develop relations with local media outlets
    • Launch promotional campaigns in targeted areas
    • Monitor market penetration and adjust strategies accordingly
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Innovate service offerings

    • Establish a research and development team
    • Conduct regular market analysis
    • Invest in new fertility technologies
    • Pilot innovative treatment solutions
    • Collaborate with fertility research institutions
    • Gather and implement patient feedback on new services
    • Introduce wellness programmes complementing fertility care
    • Launch a loyalty programme for returning patients
    • Offer packages integrating alternative treatments
    • Monitor and evaluate success of new services
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Strengthen marketing efforts

    • Develop a comprehensive marketing plan
    • Invest in digital marketing campaigns
    • Utilise social media to build an online community
    • Create a referral programme for existing patients
    • Engage in content marketing through blogs and articles
    • Host webinars and live Q&A sessions with experts
    • Collaborate with influencers in the health sector
    • Offer limited-time promotions to attract new patients
    • Track and analyse marketing campaign performance
    • Adjust marketing strategies based on performance data

Executing your Marketing Strategist strategies

Having a plan is one thing, sticking to it is another.

Setting good strategies is only the first challenge. The hard part is to avoid distractions and make sure that you commit to the plan. A simple weekly ritual will greatly increase the chances of success.

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