OKR template to enroll in relevant courses for proficient website development

public-lib · Published about 1 month ago

The OKR aims to achieve competency in website development by enrolling and completing three different web development courses on Coursera. Practical application of the theoretical knowledge acquired from these courses is expected to manifest in the development of a demo website.

Enrolling, learning, and eventually completing the courses are considered significant steps toward achieving this goal. This would involve engagement in different course households, like assignments, and excelling in final exams. In doing so, the learner is expected to retain enough information to begin creating a simple website.

Part of the process is learning basic coding languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. To practice designing websites, it's encouraged to start sketching out simple website designs on paper. This will provide the basic structure the learner can follow when they start coding a real website.

Finally, the OKR suggests using the earned certificates from completed Coursera courses as a means of gaining professional credibility. It's not enough to finish the courses. It's crucial to gain certification, display them in professional profiles and resumes, and get recognized for the skills acquired.
  • ObjectiveEnroll in relevant courses for proficient website development
  • Key ResultComplete three different web development courses on Coursera
  • TaskSelect three web development courses offered on Coursera
  • TaskEnroll in the selected courses
  • TaskComplete assignments and pass final exams
  • Key ResultImplement practical knowledge by building a demo website
  • TaskBegin developing your website using the sketch as a guide
  • TaskLearn basic coding languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • TaskSketch out a simple website design on paper
  • Key ResultObtain certification for each completed course for professional credibility
  • TaskDisplay certificates in professional profiles and resumes
  • TaskComplete all course assignments and assessments
  • TaskApply for the certification upon course completion
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