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14 examples of Developer metrics and KPIs

What are Developer metrics?

Crafting the perfect Developer metrics can feel overwhelming, particularly when you're juggling daily responsibilities. That's why we've put together a collection of examples to spark your inspiration.

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Examples of Developer metrics and KPIs

Metrics for Frontend Development Skill Assessment

  • 1. Code Quality

    Assesses the readability, structure, and efficiency of the written code in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

    What good looks like for this metric: Clean, well-commented code with no linting errors

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Utilise code linters and formatters
    • Adopt a consistent coding style
    • Refactor code regularly
    • Practise writing clear comments
    • Review code with peers
  • 2. Page Load Time

    Measures the time it takes for a webpage to fully load in a browser

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than 3 seconds

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Minimise HTTP requests
    • Optimise image sizes
    • Use CSS and JS minification
    • Leverage browser caching
    • Use content delivery networks
  • 3. Responsive Design

    Evaluates how well a website adapts to different screen sizes and devices

    What good looks like for this metric: Seamless functionality across all devices

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Use relative units like percentages
    • Implement CSS media queries
    • Test designs on multiple devices
    • Adopt a mobile-first approach
    • Utilise frameworks like Bootstrap
  • 4. Cross-browser Compatibility

    Ensures a website functions correctly across different web browsers

    What good looks like for this metric: Consistent experience on all major browsers

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Test site on all major browsers
    • Use browser-specific prefixes
    • Avoid deprecated features
    • Employ browser compatibility tools
    • Regularly update code for latest standards
  • 5. User Experience (UX)

    Measures how user-friendly and intuitive the interface is for users

    What good looks like for this metric: High user satisfaction and easy navigation

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Simplify navigation structures
    • Ensure consistent design patterns
    • Conduct user testing regularly
    • Gather and implement user feedback
    • Improve the accessibility of designs

Metrics for Backend Developer Performance

  • 1. Code Quality

    Measures the standards of the code written by the developer using metrics like cyclomatic complexity, code churn, and code maintainability index

    What good looks like for this metric: Maintainability index above 70

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Conduct regular code reviews
    • Utilise static code analysis tools
    • Adopt coding standards and guidelines
    • Refactor code regularly to reduce complexity
    • Invest in continuous learning and training
  • 2. Deployment Frequency

    Evaluates the frequency at which a developer releases code changes to production

    What good looks like for this metric: Multiple releases per week

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Automate deployment processes
    • Use continuous integration and delivery pipelines
    • Schedule regular release sessions
    • Encourage modular code development
    • Enhance collaboration with DevOps teams
  • 3. Lead Time for Changes

    Measures the time taken from code commit to deployment in production, reflecting efficiency in development and delivery

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than one day

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Streamline the code review process
    • Optimise testing procedures
    • Improve communication across teams
    • Automate build and testing workflows
    • Implement parallel development tracks
  • 4. Change Failure Rate

    Represents the proportion of deployments that result in a failure requiring a rollback or hotfix

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than 15%

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Implement thorough testing before deployment
    • Decrease batch size of code changes
    • Conduct post-implementation reviews
    • Improve error monitoring and logging
    • Enhance rollback procedures
  • 5. System Downtime

    Assesses the total time that applications are non-operational due to code changes or failures attributed to backend systems

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than 0.1% downtime

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Invest in high availability infrastructure
    • Enhance real-time monitoring systems
    • Regularly test system resilience
    • Implement effective incident response plans
    • Improve software redundancy mechanisms

Metrics for Backend Developer Performance

  • 1. Code Quality

    Measures the frequency and severity of bugs detected in the codebase.

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than 10 bugs per 1000 lines of code

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Implement regular code reviews
    • Use static code analysis tools
    • Provide training on best coding practices
    • Encourage test-driven development
    • Adopt a peer programming strategy
  • 2. Deployment Frequency

    Tracks how often code changes are successfully deployed to production.

    What good looks like for this metric: Deploy at least once a day

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Automate the deployment pipeline
    • Reduce bottlenecks in the process
    • Regularly publish small, manageable changes
    • Incentivise swift yet comprehensive testing
    • Improve team communication and collaboration
  • 3. Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR)

    Measures the average time taken to recover from a service failure.

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than 1 hour

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Develop a robust incident response plan
    • Streamline rollback and recovery processes
    • Use monitoring tools to detect issues early
    • Conduct post-mortems and learn from failures
    • Enhance system redundancy and fault tolerance
  • 4. Test Coverage

    Represents the percentage of code which is tested by automated tests.

    What good looks like for this metric: 70% to 90%

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Implement continuous integration with testing
    • Educate developers on writing effective tests
    • Regularly update and refactor out-of-date tests
    • Encourage a culture of writing tests
    • Utilise behaviour-driven development techniques
  • 5. API Response Time

    Measures the time taken for an API to respond to a request.

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than 200ms

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Optimize database queries
    • Utilise caching effectively
    • Reduce payload size
    • Use load balancing techniques
    • Profile and identify performance bottlenecks

Metrics for Feature Completeness

  • 1. Feature Completion Rate

    The percentage of features fully implemented and functional compared to the initial plan

    What good looks like for this metric: 80% to 100% during development cycle

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Improve project management processes
    • Ensure clear feature specifications
    • Allocate adequate resources
    • Conduct regular progress reviews
    • Increase team collaboration
  • 2. Planned vs. Actual Features

    The ratio of features planned to features actually completed

    What good looks like for this metric: Equal or close to 1:1

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Create realistic project plans
    • Regularly update feature lists
    • Adjust deadlines as needed
    • Align teams on priorities
    • Open channels for feedback
  • 3. Feature Review Score

    Average score from review sessions that evaluate feature completion and quality

    What good looks like for this metric: Scores above 8 out of 10

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Provide detailed review criteria
    • Use peer review strategies
    • Incorporate customer feedback
    • Holistic testing methodologies
    • Re-evaluate low scoring features
  • 4. Feature Dependency Resolution Time

    Average time taken to resolve issues linked to feature dependencies

    What good looks like for this metric: Resolution time within 2 weeks

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Map feature dependencies early
    • Optimize dependency workflow
    • Increase team communication
    • Utilise dependency management tools
    • Prioritize complex dependencies
  • 5. Change Request Frequency

    Number of changes requested post-initial feature specification

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than 10% of total features

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Ensure initial feature clarity
    • Involve stakeholders early on
    • Implement change control processes
    • Clarify project scope
    • Encourage proactive team discussions

Metrics for Tracking Quality of Code

  • 1. Code Coverage

    Measures the percentage of your code that is covered by automated tests

    What good looks like for this metric: 70%-90%

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Increase unit tests
    • Use code coverage tools
    • Refactor complex code
    • Implement test-driven development
    • Conduct code reviews frequently
  • 2. Code Complexity

    Assesses the complexity of the code using metrics like Cyclomatic Complexity

    What good looks like for this metric: 1-10 (Lower is better)

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Simplify conditional statements
    • Refactor to smaller functions
    • Reduce nested loops
    • Use design patterns appropriately
    • Perform regular code reviews
  • 3. Technical Debt

    Measures the cost of additional work caused by choosing easy solutions now instead of better approaches

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than 5%

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Refactor code regularly
    • Avoid quick fixes
    • Ensure high-quality code reviews
    • Update and follow coding standards
    • Use static code analysis tools
  • 4. Defect Density

    Calculates the number of defects per 1000 lines of code

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than 1 defect/KLOC

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Implement thorough testing
    • Increase peer code reviews
    • Enhance developer training
    • Use static analysis tools
    • Adopt continuous integration
  • 5. Code Churn

    Measures the amount of code that is added, modified, or deleted over time

    What good looks like for this metric: 10-20%

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Stabilise project requirements
    • Improve initial code quality
    • Adopt pair programming
    • Reduce unnecessary refactoring
    • Enhance documentation

Metrics for Assessing software quality

  • 1. defect density

    Defect density measures the number of defects per unit of software size, usually per thousand lines of code (KLOC)

    What good looks like for this metric: 1-5 defects per KLOC

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Improve code reviews
    • Implement automated testing
    • Enhance developer training
    • Increase test coverage
    • Use static code analysis
  • 2. code coverage

    Code coverage measures the percentage of code that is executed by automated tests

    What good looks like for this metric: 70-80%

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Write more unit tests
    • Implement integration testing
    • Use better testing tools
    • Collaborate closely with QA team
    • Regularly refactor code for testability
  • 3. mean time to resolve (MTTR)

    MTTR measures the average time taken to resolve a defect once it has been identified

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than 8 hours

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Streamline incident management process
    • Automate triage tasks
    • Improve defect prioritization
    • Enhance developer expertise
    • Implement rapid feedback loops
  • 4. customer-reported defects

    This metric counts the number of defects reported by end users or customers

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than 1 defect per month

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Implement thorough user acceptance testing
    • Conduct regular beta tests
    • Enhance support and issue tracking
    • Improve customer feedback channels
    • Use user personas in development
  • 5. code churn

    Code churn measures the amount of code changes over a period of time, indicating stability and code quality

    What good looks like for this metric: 10-20%

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Encourage smaller, iterative changes
    • Implement continuous integration
    • Use version control effectively
    • Conduct regular code reviews
    • Enhance change management processes

Metrics for Software Releases

  • 1. Release Frequency

    Measures the number of releases over a specific period. Indicates how quickly updates are being deployed.

    What good looks like for this metric: 1-2 releases per month

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Automate deployment processes
    • Implement continuous integration/continuous deployment practices
    • Invest in developer training
    • Regularly review and optimise code
    • Deploy smaller, incremental updates
  • 2. Lead Time for Changes

    The average time it takes from code commitment to production release. Reflects the efficiency of the development pipeline.

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than one week

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Streamline workflow processes
    • Use automated testing tools
    • Enhance code review efficiency
    • Implement Kanban or Agile methodologies
    • Identify and eliminate bottlenecks
  • 3. Change Failure Rate

    Percentage of releases that cause a failure in production. Indicates the reliability of releases.

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than 15%

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Increase testing coverage
    • Conduct thorough code reviews
    • Implement feature flags
    • Improve rollback procedures
    • Provide better training for developers
  • 4. Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR)

    Average time taken to recover from a failure. Reflects the team's ability to handle incidents.

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than one hour

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Establish clear incident response protocols
    • Automate recovery processes
    • Enhance monitoring and alerts
    • Regularly conduct disaster recovery drills
    • Analyse incidents post-mortem to prevent recurrence
  • 5. Number of Bugs Found Post-Release

    The count of bugs discovered by users post-release. Indicates the quality of software before deployment.

    What good looks like for this metric: Fewer than 5 bugs per release

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Enhance pre-release testing
    • Implement user acceptance testing
    • Increase use of beta testing
    • Utilise static code analysis tools
    • Improve requirement gathering and planning

Metrics for Software Feature Completeness

  • 1. Feature Implementation Ratio

    The ratio of implemented features to planned features.

    What good looks like for this metric: 80-90%

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Prioritise features based on user impact
    • Allocate dedicated resources for feature development
    • Conduct regular progress reviews
    • Utilise agile methodologies for iteration
    • Ensure clear feature specifications
  • 2. User Acceptance Test Pass Rate

    Percentage of features passing user acceptance testing.

    What good looks like for this metric: 95%+

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Enhance test case design
    • Involve users early in the testing process
    • Provide comprehensive user training
    • Utilise automated testing tools
    • Identify and fix defects promptly
  • 3. Bug Resolution Time

    Average time taken to resolve bugs during feature development.

    What good looks like for this metric: 24-48 hours

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Implement a robust issue tracking system
    • Prioritise critical bugs
    • Conduct regular team stand-ups
    • Improve cross-functional collaboration
    • Establish a swift feedback loop
  • 4. Code Quality Index

    Assessment of code quality using a standard index or score.

    What good looks like for this metric: 75-85%

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Conduct regular code reviews
    • Utilise static code analysis tools
    • Refactor code periodically
    • Strictly adhere to coding standards
    • Invest in developer training
  • 5. Feature Usage Frequency

    Frequency at which newly implemented features are used.

    What good looks like for this metric: 70%+ usage of released features

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Enhance user interface design
    • Provide user guides or tutorials
    • Gather user feedback on new features
    • Offer feature usage incentives
    • Regularly monitor usage statistics

Metrics for Frontend Development

  • 1. Page Load Time

    The time it takes for a web page to fully load from the moment the user requests it

    What good looks like for this metric: 2 to 3 seconds

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Optimise images and use proper formats
    • Minimise CSS and JavaScript files
    • Enable browser caching
    • Use Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)
    • Reduce server response time
  • 2. Time to First Byte (TTFB)

    The time it takes for the user's browser to receive the first byte of page content from the server

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than 200 milliseconds

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Use faster hosting
    • Optimise server configurations
    • Use a CDN
    • Minimise server workloads with caching
    • Reduce DNS lookup times
  • 3. First Contentful Paint (FCP)

    The time from when the page starts loading to when any part of the page's content is rendered on the screen

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than 1.8 seconds

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Defer non-critical JavaScript
    • Reduce the size of render-blocking resources
    • Prioritise visible content
    • Optimise fonts and text rendering
    • Minimise main-thread work
  • 4. JavaScript Error Rate

    The percentage of user sessions that encounter JavaScript errors on the site

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than 1%

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Thoroughly test code before deployment
    • Use error tracking tools
    • Handle exceptions properly in the code
    • Keep third-party scripts updated
    • Perform regular code reviews
  • 5. User Satisfaction (Apdex) Score

    A metric that measures user satisfaction based on response times, calculated as the ratio of satisfactory response times to total response times

    What good looks like for this metric: 0.8 or higher

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Monitor and analyse performance regularly
    • Focus on optimising high-traffic pages
    • Implement user feedback mechanisms
    • Ensure responsive design principles are followed
    • Prioritise backend performance improvement

Metrics for Improving DevOps Performance

  • 1. Deployment Frequency

    Measures how often new updates are deployed to production

    What good looks like for this metric: Once per week

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Automate deployment processes
    • Implement continuous integration
    • Use feature toggles
    • Practice trunk-based development
    • Reduce batch sizes
  • 2. Lead Time for Changes

    Time taken from code commit to deployment in production

    What good looks like for this metric: One day to one week

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Improve code review process
    • Minimise work in progress
    • Optimise build processes
    • Automate testing pipelines
    • Implement parallel builds
  • 3. Mean Time to Recovery

    Time taken to recover from production failures

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than one hour

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Implement robust monitoring tools
    • Create a clear incident response plan
    • Use canary releases
    • Conduct regular disaster recovery drills
    • Enhance rollback procedures
  • 4. Change Failure Rate

    Percentage of changes that result in production failures

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than 15%

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Increase test coverage
    • Perform thorough code reviews
    • Conduct root cause analysis
    • Use static code analysis tools
    • Implement infrastructure as code
  • 5. Cycle Time

    Time to complete one development cycle from start to finish

    What good looks like for this metric: Two weeks

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Adopt agile methodologies
    • Limit work in progress
    • Use time-boxed sprints
    • Continuously prioritise tasks
    • Improve collaboration among teams

Metrics for Measuring Backend Development

  • 1. Response Time

    The time taken for a system to respond to a request, typically measured in milliseconds.

    What good looks like for this metric: 100-200 ms

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Optimise database queries
    • Use efficient algorithms
    • Implement caching strategies
    • Scale infrastructure
    • Minimise network latency
  • 2. Error Rate

    The percentage of requests that result in errors, such as 4xx or 5xx HTTP status codes.

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than 1%

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Improve input validation
    • Conduct thorough testing
    • Use error monitoring tools
    • Implement robust exception handling
    • Optimize API endpoints
  • 3. Request Per Second (RPS)

    The number of requests the server can handle per second.

    What good looks like for this metric: 1000-5000 RPS

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Use load balancing
    • Optimise server performance
    • Increase concurrency
    • Implement rate limiting
    • Scale vertically and horizontally
  • 4. CPU Utilisation

    The percentage of CPU resources used by the backend server.

    What good looks like for this metric: 50-70%

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Profile and optimise code
    • Distribute workloads evenly
    • Scale infrastructure
    • Use efficient data structures
    • Reduce computational complexity
  • 5. Memory Usage

    The amount of memory consumed by the backend server.

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than 85% of total memory

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Identify and fix memory leaks
    • Optimise data storage
    • Use garbage collection
    • Implement memory caching
    • Scale infrastructure

Metrics for Quality and Reliability

  • 1. Defect Density

    Measures the number of defects per unit size of the software, usually per thousand lines of code

    What good looks like for this metric: 1-10 defects per KLOC

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Implement code reviews
    • Increase automated testing
    • Enhance developer training
    • Use static code analysis tools
    • Adopt Test-Driven Development (TDD)
  • 2. Mean Time to Failure (MTTF)

    Measures the average time between failures for a system or component during operation

    What good looks like for this metric: Varies widely by industry and system type, generally higher is better

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Conduct regular maintenance routines
    • Implement rigorous testing cycles
    • Enhance monitoring and alerting systems
    • Utilise redundancy and failover mechanisms
    • Improve codebase documentation
  • 3. Customer-Reported Incidents

    Counts the number of issues or bugs reported by customers within a given period

    What good looks like for this metric: Varies depending on product and customer base, generally lower is better

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Engage in proactive customer support
    • Release regular updates and patches
    • Conduct user feedback sessions
    • Improve user documentation
    • Monitor and analyse incident trends
  • 4. Code Coverage

    Indicates the percentage of the source code covered by automated tests

    What good looks like for this metric: 70-90% code coverage

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Increase unit testing
    • Use automated testing tools
    • Adopt continuous integration practices
    • Refactor legacy code
    • Integrate end-to-end testing
  • 5. Release Frequency

    Measures how often new releases are deployed to production

    What good looks like for this metric: Depends on product and development cycle; frequently updated software is often more reliable

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Adopt continuous delivery
    • Automate deployment processes
    • Improve release planning
    • Reduce deployment complexity
    • Engage in regular sprint retrospectives

Metrics for Code Security

  • 1. Vulnerability Density

    Measures the number of vulnerabilities per thousand lines of code. It helps to identify vulnerable areas in the codebase that need attention.

    What good looks like for this metric: 0-1 vulnerabilities per KLOC

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Conduct regular code reviews
    • Use static analysis tools
    • Implement secure coding practices
    • Provide security training for developers
    • Perform security-focused testing
  • 2. Mean Time to Resolve Vulnerabilities (MTTR)

    The average time it takes to resolve vulnerabilities from the time they are identified.

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than 30 days

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Prioritise vulnerabilities based on severity
    • Automate vulnerability management processes
    • Allocate dedicated resources for vulnerability remediation
    • Establish a clear vulnerability response process
    • Regularly monitor and report on MTTR
  • 3. Percentage of Code Covered by Security Testing

    The proportion of the codebase that is covered by security tests, helping to ensure code is thoroughly tested for vulnerabilities.

    What good looks like for this metric: 90% or higher

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Increase the frequency of security tests
    • Use automated security testing tools
    • Integrate security tests into the CI/CD pipeline
    • Regularly update and expand test cases
    • Provide training on writing effective security tests
  • 4. Number of Security Incidents

    The total count of security incidents, including breaches, detected within a given period.

    What good looks like for this metric: Zero incidents

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Implement continuous monitoring
    • Conduct regular penetration testing
    • Deploy intrusion detection systems
    • Educate employees on security best practices
    • Establish a strong incident response plan
  • 5. False Positive Rate of Security Tools

    The percentage of security alerts that are not true threats, which can lead to resource wastage and alert fatigue.

    What good looks like for this metric: Less than 5%

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Regularly update security tool configurations
    • Train security teams to properly interpret alerts
    • Use machine learning to improve tool accuracy
    • Combine multiple security tools for better context
    • Implement regular reviews of alerts to refine rules

Metrics for AI in Assignment Rubrics

  • 1. Time Saved Creating Rubrics

    The amount of time saved when using AI compared to traditional methods for creating assignment and grading rubrics

    What good looks like for this metric: 20-30% time reduction

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Automate repetitive tasks
    • Utilise AI suggestions for common criteria
    • Implement AI feedback loops
    • Train staff on AI tools
    • Streamline rubric creation processes
  • 2. Consistency of Grading

    The uniformity in applying grading standards when using AI-generated rubrics across different assignments and graders

    What good looks like for this metric: 90-95% consistency

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Use AI for grading calibration
    • Standardise rubric templates
    • Provide grader training sessions
    • Incorporate peer reviews
    • Regularly update rubrics
  • 3. Accuracy of AI Suggestions

    The correctness and relevance of AI-generated rubric elements compared to expert-generated criteria

    What good looks like for this metric: 85-95% accuracy

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Customise AI settings
    • Review AI outputs with experts
    • Incorporate machine learning feedback
    • Regularly update AI models
    • Collect user feedback
  • 4. User Satisfaction With Rubrics

    The level of satisfaction among educators and students with AI-created rubrics in terms of clarity and usefulness

    What good looks like for this metric: 70-80% satisfaction rate

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Conduct satisfaction surveys
    • Gather and implement feedback
    • Offer training on rubric interpretation
    • Enhance user interface
    • Continuously update rubric features
  • 5. Overall Cost of Rubric Creation

    Total expenses saved by using AI tools over traditional methods for creating and managing rubrics

    What good looks like for this metric: 10-15% cost reduction

    Ideas to improve this metric
    • Analyse cost-benefit regularly
    • Leverage cloud-based AI solutions
    • Negotiate better software licensing
    • Train in-house AI experts
    • Integrate AI with existing systems

Tracking your Developer metrics

Having a plan is one thing, sticking to it is another.

Don't fall into the set-and-forget trap. It is important to adopt a weekly check-in process to keep your strategy agile – otherwise this is nothing more than a reporting exercise.

A tool like Tability can also help you by combining AI and goal-setting to keep you on track.

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Planning resources

OKRs are a great way to translate strategies into measurable goals. Here are a list of resources to help you adopt the OKR framework:

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