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10 strategies and tactics for Performance

What is a Performance strategy?

Team success often hinges on the ability to develop and implement effective strategies and tactics. It's a bit like playing chess, except that you have more than 1 player on each side.

Developing an effective Performance strategy can be intimidating, especially when your daily duties demand your attention. To assist you, we've curated a list of examples to inspire your planning process.

Feel free to copy these examples into your favorite application, or leverage Tability to maintain accountability.

Building your own Performance strategy with AI

While we have some examples available, it's likely that you'll have specific scenarios that aren't covered here. You can use our free AI generator below or our more complete goal-setting system to generate your own strategies.

Performance strategy examples

We've added many examples of Performance tactics, including a series of action items. We hope that this will make these examples as practical and useful as possible.

Strategies and tactics for implementing formal HRM practices

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Initiate structured recruitment process

    • Audit current recruitment process to identify gaps
    • Develop detailed job descriptions and specifications
    • Create a structured interview format and evaluation criteria
    • Implement an applicant tracking system for efficiency
    • Provide recruitment training for hiring managers
    • Partner with local job boards and universities for outreach
    • Implement a referral programme to leverage existing employees' networks
    • Conduct regular recruitment process reviews to ensure effectiveness
    • Monitor the diversity of candidates to promote inclusion
    • Gather feedback from new hires about their recruitment experience
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Establish comprehensive performance evaluation system

    • Research and select a suitable performance evaluation framework
    • Train managers on effective evaluation techniques
    • Develop clear, measurable performance goals for each role
    • Implement a platform for continuous performance tracking
    • Schedule regular one-on-one feedback sessions
    • Introduce 360-degree feedback from peers and subordinates
    • Recognise and reward high performers regularly
    • Create individual development plans based on evaluation outcomes
    • Use performance data to inform promotions and pay increases
    • Regularly revise the evaluation system based on feedback
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Develop continuous training and development programmes

    • Conduct a training needs analysis for all employees
    • Create a yearly training calendar with various learning opportunities
    • Partner with industry experts for specialised training sessions
    • Implement e-learning platforms for flexible access to courses
    • Encourage cross-functional training to promote versatility
    • Schedule regular workshops on emerging industry trends
    • Offer leadership development programmes for potential future leaders
    • Evaluate training programme effectiveness through employee feedback
    • Allocate budget for external courses and certifications
    • Incorporate on-the-job training and mentorship schemes

Strategies and tactics for reaching optimal employee performance

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Assess and identify performance gaps

    • Conduct a performance review for all 20 employees
    • Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to each role
    • Organise one-on-one meetings to discuss performance assessments
    • Use feedback to pinpoint areas of improvement
    • Develop a comprehensive skills assessment test
    • Analyse past performance data and trends
    • Set clear and achievable goals for each employee
    • Determine external factors affecting performance
    • Secure employee commitment to the improvement plan
    • Communicate performance expectations clearly
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Implement targeted training programs

    • Organise personalised training sessions based on individual needs
    • Enroll employees in relevant online courses or workshops
    • Invite industry experts for guest lectures and seminars
    • Conduct in-house training sessions on soft and technical skills
    • Create a mentorship program pairing senior employees with juniors
    • Invest in e-learning platforms for continuous learning
    • Schedule regular knowledge-sharing meetings
    • Encourage cross-functional team projects
    • Monitor and evaluate training effectiveness
    • Provide resources for self-study and development
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Foster a motivating and supportive work environment

    • Recognise and reward high performers monthly
    • Facilitate open communication and feedback loops
    • Encourage team-building activities and social events
    • Promote work-life balance through flexible working hours
    • Establish a wellness program focusing on mental health
    • Provide ergonomic workspaces and necessary resources
    • Develop a clearly defined career progression path
    • Create an inclusive culture valuing diversity and collaboration
    • Regularly review and improve HR policies
    • Solicit employee feedback on workplace satisfaction

Strategies and tactics for launching the Training Academy

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Develop a comprehensive profile

    • Compile a detailed professional bio
    • List credentials, certifications, and awards
    • Document training expertise areas
    • Collect and include testimonials and case studies
    • Design a professional logo and brand identity
    • Arrange a professional photoshoot
    • Publish the portfolio on the training institute's website
    • Create printed materials with the portfolio
    • Update the portfolio on social media profiles
    • Maintain the portfolio by regularly adding new testimonials and achievements
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Enhance online presence and engagement

    • Develop a dedicated webpage on the training institute’s website
    • Publish content regularly including articles, blog posts, and case studies
    • Optimize the website for SEO
    • Enhance LinkedIn profile and engage regularly
    • Create and manage Instagram and Facebook accounts
    • Launch a YouTube channel with training videos and webinars
    • Use targeted ads on social media
    • Implement Google Ads for increased reach
    • Gather and publish customer reviews online
    • Monitor and engage with audience feedback on social media
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Expand networking and build strategic partnerships

    • Schedule speaking engagements at industry events and conferences
    • Organize workshops and webinars
    • Collaborate with brands and organisations in Saudi Arabia
    • Join relevant industry associations
    • Reach out to HR professionals for potential collaborations
    • Attend industry seminars and networking events
    • Develop joint ventures with complementary training providers
    • Establish partnerships with universities and colleges
    • Engage in community events to increase visibility
    • Form alliances with international training institutes

Strategies and tactics for designing Metrics for KPI Application

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Establish functionality metrics

    • Create a detailed list of all functionalities provided by the application
    • Define measurement criteria for each functionality (e.g., availability of report creation, performance reviews, notifications)
    • Conduct user surveys to assess adequacy of existing functionalities to user needs
    • Compile a report on the number and type of functions offered versus user requirements
    • Develop a scoring system to rate the application's functionalities
    • Organise focus groups to gain qualitative insights on functionality adequacy
    • Implement a feedback mechanism within the application for users to suggest additional functionalities
    • Regularly update the functionality list based on evolving user needs
    • Benchmark functionality against similar applications in the market
    • Schedule periodic reviews to reassess the functionality metrics
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Implement usability metrics

    • Develop training sessions and materials for new users to measure initial learning time
    • Conduct user surveys to evaluate ease of use and gather qualitative feedback
    • Implement analytics to track the number of clicks required to complete common tasks
    • Create usability test scripts to perform regular usability testing
    • Analyse survey data to identify usability pain points
    • Iterate on application design based on usability testing and user feedback
    • Conduct A/B testing to compare usability improvements
    • Set up a user feedback loop to continually gather usability insights
    • Benchmark usability metrics against industry standards
    • Implement continuous monitoring to track usability metric changes over time
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Measure performance metrics

    • Implement monitoring tools to track application response times under different loads
    • Set up performance benchmarks based on desired throughput levels
    • Track resource utilisation, including CPU and memory usage, during different operations
    • Conduct stress testing to determine application limits
    • Analyse performance data to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement
    • Regularly review throughput metrics to ensure they meet performance targets
    • Optimise the application's code to improve performance based on monitoring data
    • Set up alerts for unusual spikes in resource utilisation
    • Schedule performance reviews and optimise based on collected data
    • Compare application's performance metrics with industry standards

Strategies and tactics for scaling through Organisational Optimisation

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Revise and standardise job descriptions

    • Conduct a comprehensive review of all existing job descriptions across the organisation
    • Consult with departmental heads to gather input on necessary updates for each role
    • Identify the essential hard and soft skills required for each position
    • Standardise the format and terminology for all job descriptions
    • Implement a review and approval process for updated job descriptions
    • Communicate the updated job descriptions to all employees
    • Develop a repository of all updated job descriptions for easy access
    • Train managers on how to use and interpret the revised job descriptions
    • Update the recruitment and onboarding process to reflect new job descriptions
    • Regularly review and revise job descriptions to ensure they remain relevant
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Enhance performance reviews and accountability

    • Revamp the existing performance review process for better clarity and effectiveness
    • Introduce workshops to train managers on conducting constructive performance reviews
    • Incorporate a 360-degree feedback mechanism for more rounded evaluations
    • Set clear KPIs and benchmarks for performance reviews
    • Ensure there is a formal way to document and track feedback
    • Create a regular feedback loop with scheduled check-ins between managers and employees
    • Develop accountability frameworks to clarify responsibilities at the managerial level
    • Encourage a culture of continuous feedback and mentorship within the organisation
    • Evaluate the performance review system periodically and make necessary adjustments
    • Offer tools and resources to help managers provide better support and guidance
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Establish a robust recruitment and retention pipeline

    • Partner with educational institutions and job boards to attract top talent
    • Launch targeted marketing campaigns to attract diverse candidates
    • Streamline the recruitment process for efficiency and candidate experience
    • Introduce diversity training and awareness programmes for the recruitment team
    • Develop a robust onboarding programme that immerses new hires into the 'Marathon Way'
    • Create mentorship opportunities to help integrate new employees into the organisation
    • Assess and adjust the workplace environment to be more inclusive and supportive
    • Establish a feedback mechanism to understand employee satisfaction and areas for improvement
    • Introduce career development programmes tailored to employee aspirations
    • Regularly review and update diversity and inclusion policies to ensure alignment with best practices
  • ⛳️ Strategy 4: Instil the 'Marathon Way' in organisational culture

    • Clearly articulate the core values and principles of the 'Marathon Way'
    • Develop training modules to educate employees on the 'Marathon Way'
    • Integrate 'Marathon Way' principles into the onboarding process for new employees
    • Encourage leaders to model and promote the 'Marathon Way' in their daily interactions
    • Provide regular workshops and refreshers on the 'Marathon Way' for all employees
    • Create internal communications that reinforce 'Marathon Way' values
    • Recognise and reward employees who exemplify the 'Marathon Way'
    • Establish mentorship programmes to support the adoption of the 'Marathon Way'
    • Regularly gather feedback to assess understanding and adherence to 'Marathon Way' principles
    • Offer continuous learning opportunities to deepen knowledge of the 'Marathon Way'
  • ⛳️ Strategy 5: Cultivate an optimal work environment

    • Conduct an employee satisfaction survey to identify areas for improvement
    • Introduce ergonomic assessments and enhancements to workspaces
    • Offer wellness programmes that focus on physical, mental, and emotional health
    • Encourage work-life balance with flexible working hours and remote work options
    • Provide regular opportunities for team-building and social interaction
    • Develop a clear career progression framework that aligns with business goals
    • Create an open-door policy to foster transparent communication and feedback
    • Implement regular recognition and rewards programmes to boost morale
    • Establish support systems such as employee assistance programmes
    • Regularly review and update HR policies to adapt to changing employee needs

Strategies and tactics for assessing performance and tasks accomplished

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Implement key performance indicators (KPIs)

    • Identify core objectives for team members
    • Develop specific KPIs for each objective
    • Schedule regular KPI review meetings
    • Train team members on understanding and using KPIs
    • Utilise performance management software
    • Monitor KPIs daily or weekly
    • Analyse KPI data to detect performance trends
    • Provide real-time feedback based on KPI data
    • Align incentives with KPI achievements
    • Adjust KPIs as necessary to reflect changing objectives
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Conduct regular performance reviews

    • Set a regular schedule for performance reviews
    • Prepare a performance review template
    • Communicate review schedule and expectations to team members
    • Gather performance data and specific task accomplishments
    • Facilitate self-assessment by team members
    • Hold one-on-one review meetings with team members
    • Provide constructive feedback and areas for improvement
    • Set actionable goals for the next review period
    • Document the outcomes of each performance review
    • Follow up on progress towards goals before the next review
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Foster a culture of continuous feedback

    • Encourage open communication among team members
    • Train managers and team members in giving constructive feedback
    • Implement regular check-in meetings
    • Utilise anonymous feedback tools
    • Create a feedback-friendly environment
    • Recognise and reward achievements promptly
    • Address issues and concerns immediately
    • Provide resources for professional development
    • Ensure feedback is specific and actionable
    • Monitor the impact of feedback on performance

Strategies and tactics for optimising performance monitoring

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Implement automated monitoring tools

    • Identify key metrics and performance indicators
    • Research and select suitable monitoring tools
    • Integrate monitoring tools with existing systems
    • Set up automated alerts for critical metrics
    • Create dashboards for real-time performance insights
    • Regularly update and maintain monitoring tools
    • Train staff on how to use the monitoring tools
    • Perform regular audits to ensure monitoring tools are effective
    • Document the monitoring process and protocols
    • Review and update monitoring tools based on feedback and technological advances
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Establish performance benchmarks

    • Conduct research to determine industry standards
    • Analyse historical performance data
    • Set realistic and achievable performance targets
    • Communicate benchmarks to all relevant stakeholders
    • Monitor performance against set benchmarks regularly
    • Adjust benchmarks based on performance trends and business goals
    • Incorporate benchmarking into regular performance reviews
    • Provide feedback to employees based on benchmark performance
    • Recognise and reward teams that meet or exceed benchmarks
    • Document any changes to benchmarks and the reasons behind them
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Enhance reporting and feedback mechanisms

    • Develop a standardised reporting format
    • Schedule regular performance review meetings
    • Incorporate visual aids like graphs and charts in reports
    • Ensure reports provide actionable insights
    • Encourage open communication and feedback
    • Implement a feedback loop for continuous improvement
    • Train managers on effective report interpretation
    • Utilise both quantitative and qualitative data in reports
    • Share performance reports with all relevant stakeholders
    • Periodically review and refine the reporting process based on feedback

Strategies and tactics for introducing Application Quality Metrics

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Measure functionality metrics

    • Identify all functionality provided by the application, including core and additional features
    • Classify functionalities into categories (e.g. report creation, performance assessment, notifications)
    • Conduct user need assessments to determine relevance of each functionality
    • Survey users to evaluate the conformity of features to their needs
    • Create a scoring system to measure feature suitability
    • Review user feedback regularly to identify new functionality requirements
    • Prioritise development efforts to address mismatched functionality
    • Use analytics tools to track usage of each functionality
    • Conduct workshops or focus groups to validate the necessity of new features
    • Regularly update documentation to reflect available features and their suitability
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Enhance usability metrics

    • Create a thorough user onboarding process to reduce learning time
    • Develop user training materials and video tutorials
    • Conduct usability testing sessions with new users to measure learning time
    • Implement user surveys to gauge ease of use
    • Analyse survey results to identify usability pain points
    • Streamline commonly used workflows to reduce the number of clicks required
    • Implement A/B testing to compare different user interface designs
    • Regularly review and update user interface based on usability feedback
    • Provide an in-app help feature for real-time assistance
    • Track and analyse user session data to find opportunities for usability improvements
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Optimise performance metrics

    • Perform baseline performance testing to determine current response times
    • Set target response times for critical user actions
    • Implement monitoring tools to track response times continuously
    • Conduct load testing to determine application throughput under various conditions
    • Optimise code to enhance throughput capabilities
    • Use profiling tools to identify and address bottlenecks in resource utilisation
    • Implement caching strategies to improve response times
    • Review and optimise database queries and access patterns
    • Regularly update hardware and software to maintain optimal performance
    • Document performance trends and improvement measures
  • ⛳️ Strategy 4: Ensure reliability metrics

    • Log all system failures and analyse root causes
    • Implement redundancy and failover mechanisms to increase MTBF
    • Schedule regular maintenance checks to preemptively address potential failures
    • Develop a fast and effective system repair protocol to reduce MTTR
    • Maintain a comprehensive knowledge base for troubleshooting common issues
    • Train team members in quick diagnosis and repair techniques
    • Implement continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to reduce risk of failure during updates
    • Monitor system availability metrics continuously
    • Automate system health checks to ensure high availability
    • Regularly update and test disaster recovery plans
  • ⛳️ Strategy 5: Improve maintainability metrics

    • Conduct code reviews to ensure high code readability standards
    • Implement coding standards and guidelines to maintain consistency
    • Use static code analysis tools to measure and manage code complexity
    • Refactor code regularly to simplify complex sections
    • Maintain comprehensive documentation for the codebase
    • Use automated testing frameworks to identify and fix bugs promptly
    • Track fix times for bugs and aim to reduce this metric over time
    • Implement a version control system to manage code changes effectively
    • Encourage pair programming to improve knowledge sharing and code quality
    • Conduct technical debt assessments and prioritise addressing high-impact areas
  • ⛳️ Strategy 6: Ensure portability metrics

    • Test application compatibility across different platforms (web, iOS, Android)
    • Implement a modular architecture to enhance platform compatibility
    • Document platform-specific requirements and adjustments needed
    • Use cross-platform development frameworks where appropriate
    • Develop platform-specific testing protocols to ensure consistent behaviour
    • Monitor user feedback on different platforms to detect compatibility issues
    • Create a detailed migration plan for moving to new platforms
    • Perform pilot migrations to identify and solve potential issues
    • Maintain a repository of compatibility and migration issues
    • Regularly review and update portability plans based on new platform developments

Strategies and tactics for building a reward incentive program

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Define clear objectives and rewards

    • Identify key tasks and goals that need to be incentivised
    • Set measurable benchmarks for each task or goal
    • Determine appropriate rewards for different levels of task completion
    • Establish criteria for earning rewards within the programme
    • Create a reward catalogue with tangible and intangible incentives
    • Align rewards with employee preferences and organisational goals
    • Develop a reward distribution schedule and communicate it clearly
    • Incorporate feedback from participants to adjust objectives and rewards
    • Ensure rewards are sustainable within the programme budget
    • Monitor satisfaction and effectiveness of current rewards
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Implement a transparent tracking and evaluation system

    • Select a digital platform to track task completion and progress
    • Create user-friendly interfaces for employees to track their own progress
    • Automate notifications for upcoming deadlines and milestones
    • Develop a point system to quantify progress and reward eligibility
    • Enable team leaders to access dashboards for performance evaluation
    • Regularly report on individual and team standings within the system
    • Integrate feedback mechanisms for continuous improvement
    • Offer training sessions on utilising the tracking system
    • Ensure data privacy and protection within the tracking platform
    • Periodically audit the system to maintain accuracy and reliability
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Foster a motivational and supportive environment

    • Encourage peer recognition for completed tasks and goals
    • Organise workshops on goal-setting and task management
    • Provide mentorship opportunities for skill and career development
    • Recognise achievements publicly through awards or announcements
    • Create a platform for employees to share success stories and tips
    • Establish team competitions to encourage collaboration
    • Offer non-monetary incentives such as additional time off
    • Regularly communicate programme updates and success stories
    • Solicit feedback on workplace culture and environment improvements
    • Address any barriers or challenges faced by participants promptly

Strategies and tactics for improving the Liberia Electricity Corporation

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Combat power theft

    • Implement advanced metering infrastructure to monitor electricity usage
    • Conduct regular audits and inspections to detect and address illegal connections
    • Collaborate with law enforcement to prosecute offenders
    • Launch public awareness campaigns about the consequences of power theft
    • Offer incentives for reporting power theft
    • Utilise data analytics to identify suspicious patterns of electricity usage
    • Upgrade electrical infrastructure to prevent tampering
    • Form a specialised task force to focus on power theft prevention
    • Enhance customer billing systems for greater accuracy and transparency
    • Ensure a robust legal framework to support anti-theft measures
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Reduce outages and improve supply reliability

    • Invest in upgrading and maintaining transmission and distribution infrastructure
    • Implement predictive maintenance using smart grid technology
    • Diversify energy sources to reduce dependency on any single source
    • Develop a comprehensive emergency response plan for outages
    • Increase investment in renewable energy projects
    • Improve load management and capacity planning
    • Establish partnerships with international energy experts for best practices
    • Regularly review and update infrastructure resilience strategies
    • Implement real-time monitoring systems for quick fault detection
    • Provide training for technical staff on modern maintenance techniques
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Enhance customer service

    • Establish a customer service hotline for reporting issues and inquiries
    • Implement an online portal for bill payment and service requests
    • Conduct regular customer satisfaction surveys
    • Train customer service representatives in effective communication skills
    • Create a mobile application for real-time updates on outages and maintenance
    • Introduce a loyalty programme for timely bill payments
    • Organise community outreach programmes to educate consumers
    • Ensure transparency in billing and service charges
    • Resolve customer complaints promptly and effectively
    • Establish a feedback loop to continually improve customer service
  • ⛳️ Strategy 4: Improve human resource management

    • Conduct a comprehensive skills audit of current employees
    • Develop and implement a continuous professional development programme
    • Introduce performance-based incentives and recognition programmes
    • Enhance recruitment processes to attract top talent
    • Foster a positive workplace culture that encourages collaboration and innovation
    • Implement a mentoring programme for new employees
    • Ensure regular performance reviews and feedback sessions
    • Offer competitive remuneration and benefits packages
    • Provide leadership training for management staff
    • Promote a work-life balance to increase employee satisfaction and retention

Executing your Performance strategies

Having a plan is one thing, sticking to it is another.

Don't fall into the set-and-forget trap. It is important to adopt a weekly check-in process to keep your strategy agile – otherwise this is nothing more than a reporting exercise.

A tool like Tability can also help you by combining AI and goal-setting to keep you on track.

Tability Insights DashboardTability's check-ins will save you hours and increase transparency

More strategies recently published

We have more templates to help you draft your team goals and OKRs.

Planning resources

OKRs are a great way to translate strategies into measurable goals. Here are a list of resources to help you adopt the OKR framework:

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