15 customisable OKR examples for Clients

What are Clients OKRs?

The OKR acronym stands for Objectives and Key Results. It's a goal-setting framework that was introduced at Intel by Andy Grove in the 70s, and it became popular after John Doerr introduced it to Google in the 90s. OKRs helps teams has a shared language to set ambitious goals and track progress towards them.

Crafting effective OKRs can be challenging, particularly for beginners. Emphasizing outcomes rather than projects should be the core of your planning.

We've tailored a list of OKRs examples for Clients to help you. You can look at any of the templates below to get some inspiration for your own goals.

If you want to learn more about the framework, you can read our OKR guide online.

Building your own Clients OKRs with AI

While we have some examples available, it's likely that you'll have specific scenarios that aren't covered here. You can use our free AI generator below or our more complete goal-setting system to generate your own OKRs.

Our customisable Clients OKRs examples

You will find in the next section many different Clients Objectives and Key Results. We've included strategic initiatives in our templates to give you a better idea of the different between the key results (how we measure progress), and the initiatives (what we do to achieve the results).

Hope you'll find this helpful!

1OKRs to enhance Identity Access Management for large scale clients

  • ObjectiveEnhance Identity Access Management for large scale clients
  • Key ResultIncrease system response time by 20% for enhanced user experience
  • TaskIdentify and eliminate any unnecessary background processes
  • TaskUpgrade system hardware to improve performance
  • TaskOptimize code for increased efficiency
  • Key ResultImplement new features from client input in 60% of all accounts
  • TaskDesign and develop the requested features
  • TaskImplement the new features in the chosen accounts
  • TaskCollect and categorize client input about desired features
  • Key ResultReduce access-related security incidents by 30% through stronger protocols
  • TaskImplement two-factor authentication for all system users
  • TaskConduct frequent audits of access controls and permissions
  • TaskRegularly update passwords and maintain a strong password policy

2OKRs to effectively introduce sales representatives to clients

  • ObjectiveEffectively introduce sales representatives to clients
  • Key ResultIncrease client satisfaction score by 30% post-meetings with sales reps
  • TaskImplement changes based on customer feedback to improve service
  • TaskGather and evaluate customer feedback after sales meetings
  • TaskDevelop comprehensive training for sales reps to enhance customer interaction
  • Key ResultFoster 15 new relationships between previously unacquainted clients and sales reps
  • TaskImplement a regular, facilitated networking session within the company
  • TaskEnable 1:1 introductory meetings through client-sales rep matchmaking
  • TaskOrganize networking events to promote interaction between clients and sales reps
  • Key ResultConduct at least 30 effective introductory meetings between sales reps and clients
  • TaskSchedule 30 meetings between sales reps and clients
  • TaskIdentify potential clients for introductory meetings
  • TaskTrain sales reps on effective meeting techniques

3OKRs to reduce partial deliveries to clients

  • ObjectiveReduce partial deliveries to clients
  • Key ResultImprove order forecasting accuracy to 90%
  • TaskPeriodically revise and adjust forecasting models
  • TaskImplement advanced forecasting software for data analysis
  • TaskTrain teams on predictive analytics for forecasting
  • Key ResultIncrease efficiency of inventory management by 25%
  • TaskTrain staff on proper inventory checking procedures
  • TaskImplement a real-time online inventory management system
  • TaskRegularly review and optimize inventory levels
  • Key ResultOptimize logistics to ensure 100% on-time delivery
  • TaskConduct regular maintenance checks on delivery vehicles
  • TaskTrain staff in efficient order processing and dispatch
  • TaskImplement a real-time tracking system for all deliveries

4OKRs to improve Identity Access Management for large scale clients

  • ObjectiveImprove Identity Access Management for large scale clients
  • Key ResultReduce access credential errors by 20%
  • TaskIntroduce regular password update reminders for employees
  • TaskImplement a comprehensive access credential training program
  • TaskUpgrade access security software to reduce login errors
  • Key ResultImplement two-factor authentication for 90% of big customers
  • TaskDeploy system to selected clients
  • TaskDevelop and test two-factor authentication system
  • TaskIdentify 90% of biggest clients requiring two-factor authentication
  • Key ResultIncrease security incident response speed by 30%
  • TaskTrain staff in faster threat identification procedures
  • TaskImplement automated threat detection and response tools
  • TaskStreamline incident reporting and escalation processes

5OKRs to boost enterprise customer attraction to our platform

  • ObjectiveBoost enterprise customer attraction to our platform
  • Key ResultExpand platform features based on 75% of enterprise-client feedback
  • TaskAnalyze feedback from 75% of enterprise clients
  • TaskIdentify commonly requested platform features
  • TaskInitiate development of new features
  • Key ResultIncrease demo requests by 30% over the next quarter
  • TaskImplement a user-friendly online demo request form
  • TaskEnhance demo product features to attract more customer interest
  • TaskDevelop targeted marketing campaigns to boost demo visibility
  • Key ResultEnhance customer support satisfaction rate by 45%
  • TaskImplement a customer feedback system to gauge satisfaction
  • TaskImplement comprehensive training programs for customer support staff
  • TaskImprove product/service quality based on customer insights

6OKRs to increase account expansion by securing contract renewals for 90% of existing clients

  • ObjectiveAchieve a high rate of contract renewals for existing clients
  • Key ResultIncrease customer satisfaction rates by 15% via feedback surveys
  • Key ResultImprove account management processes to reduce churn by 10%
  • Key ResultOutperform monthly revenue targets by 20% to upsell and cross-sell
  • Key ResultLaunch a customer referral program to generate 30% new business from existing clients

7OKRs to enhance superior customer support to VIP clients

  • ObjectiveEnhance superior customer support to VIP clients
  • Key ResultIncrease client satisfaction score to 90% for VIPs
  • TaskImprove product/service quality based on feedback
  • TaskImplement personalized customer service for VIP clients
  • TaskRegularly request and analyze VIP client feedback
  • Key ResultAchieve first-response times under 2 hours for all VIP client inquiries
  • TaskImplement a priority system for VIP client inquiries
  • TaskEstablish dedicated response teams for VIP clients
  • TaskTrain staff on quick and efficient response techniques
  • Key ResultReduce VIP client complaint rate by 20%
  • TaskImplement customized training on VIP client servicing for staff
  • TaskEnhance VIP client communication and response times
  • TaskRegularly review and improve VIP client service process

8OKRs to boost sales figures utilizing CAIS distribution team

  • ObjectiveBoost sales figures utilizing CAIS distribution team
  • Key ResultIncrease average sales per team member by at least 15%
  • TaskSet up performance incentives for higher sales
  • TaskImplement regular sales training programs for team members
  • TaskMonitor and share individual sales performance regularly
  • Key ResultSecure 10 new high-value clients through strategic distribution efforts
  • TaskLaunch a personalized, strategic outreach and follow-up process
  • TaskDevelop targeted marketing materials for these potential clients
  • TaskIdentify potential high-value clients based on our market research
  • Key ResultAchieve a 10% reduction in sales cycle time for major accounts
  • TaskImplement training on efficient sales strategies for major accounts
  • TaskEnhance communication with key clients to expedite decisions
  • TaskAnalyze previous deals to identify common delays or inefficiencies

9OKRs to enhance customer experience by understanding our clients' valuation

  • ObjectiveEnhance customer experience by understanding our clients' valuation
  • Key ResultAchieve 15% increase in customer satisfaction scores post-improvement implementation
  • TaskAdjust services based on feedback analysis
  • TaskConduct analysis of received customer feedback
  • TaskImplement feedback collection system after improvements
  • Key ResultImprove client-identified areas by 30% based on survey results
  • TaskReview survey results identifying areas of improvement
  • TaskImplement the plan ensuring a 30% improvement
  • TaskDevelop a strategic plan to address each area
  • Key ResultSurvey 80% clients on what they value in our service within 4 weeks

10OKRs to improve our delivery of results to clients

  • ObjectiveImprove our delivery of results to clients
  • Key ResultIncrease customer satisfaction rate by 20% through improved result delivery
  • TaskAnalyze feedback to identify areas needing improvement
  • TaskImplement result-oriented training for customer service
  • TaskRegularly monitor and adjust delivery processes
  • Key ResultComplete 95% of projects on time without any delay
  • TaskRegularly review progress towards project deadlines
  • TaskPrioritize jobs based on deadline and complexity
  • TaskImplement efficient project management tools
  • Key ResultReduce error rates in result delivery by 15%
  • TaskImplement comprehensive quality checking procedures
  • TaskConduct regular audits to identify problematic areas
  • TaskProvide additional training to delivery team

11OKRs to enhance satisfaction of wealth management clients

  • ObjectiveEnhance satisfaction of wealth management clients
  • Key ResultIncrease client satisfaction scores by 20% through improved personalization
  • TaskRegularly seek client feedback for service improvements
  • TaskTrain staff for personalized customer interactions
  • TaskImplement customer relationship management software for tailored services
  • Key ResultDecrease client complaint rates by 15% via proactive communication
  • TaskImplement regular updates on service improvements to all clients
  • TaskEstablish a client feedback system for early issue detection
  • TaskTrain staff on proactive communication strategies
  • Key ResultLaunch 2 new features in the client portal based on client feedback analysis
  • TaskImplement new features in the client portal
  • TaskDevelop and test the new features
  • TaskIdentify desired features from client feedback analysis

12OKRs to enhance satisfaction levels of our clients

  • ObjectiveEnhance satisfaction levels of our clients
  • Key ResultIncrease Net Promoter Score (NPS) by 15 points by enhancing customer interaction
  • TaskImplement service training programs to improve customer interaction
  • TaskStreamline the feedback collection process for enhanced customer experience
  • TaskDevelop personalized customer engagement strategies
  • Key ResultAchieve a 30% improvement in Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) via feedback implementation
  • TaskPrioritize improvements based on feedback received
  • TaskCollect and analyze all customer feedback regularly
  • TaskImplement changes and measure their effects
  • Key ResultDecrease customer complaints by 20% through improving product quality and service deliverance
  • TaskRegularly solicit customer feedback to address issues promptly
  • TaskImplement rigorous quality control checks for product manufacturing
  • TaskEnhance customer service training for all representatives

13OKRs to enhance performance of clients' paid campaigns

  • ObjectiveEnhance performance of clients' paid campaigns
  • Key ResultIncrease average click-through rate by 15%
  • TaskSegment email lists for a more personalized approach
  • TaskImplement A/B testing to optimize email subject lines
  • TaskEnhance CTA button design to draw attention
  • Key ResultBoost campaign conversion rate by 20%
  • TaskImprove targeting efforts for more relevant user engagement
  • TaskTailor ad copy to better resonate with audience needs
  • TaskImplement A/B testing to optimize landing page design
  • Key ResultReduce cost per acquisition by 10%
  • TaskImprove website conversion rates with UX optimization
  • TaskLaunch targeted marketing campaigns to attract desired customers
  • TaskAnalyze current customer acquisition strategies for inefficiencies

14OKRs to maintain accuracy of vendor information across all clients

  • ObjectiveMaintain accuracy of vendor information across all clients
  • Key ResultReduce report inconsistencies related to vendor information by 25%
  • TaskImplement a centralized system for vendor data management
  • TaskRegularly review and update vendor databases
  • TaskEstablish standard protocols for gathering vendor information
  • Key ResultImplement weekly checks with each client to confirm vendor information accuracy
  • TaskCreate a weekly schedule for client vendor information checks
  • TaskTrain staff to conduct vendor information accuracy checks
  • TaskDevelop a reporting system for the weekly check results
  • Key ResultVerify and update 100% of vendor data in client systems every week
  • TaskConfirm successful update of all vendor data
  • TaskReview current vendor data in client systems weekly
  • TaskUpdate incorrect or outdated vendor information

15OKRs to acquire new clients providing a security deposit

  • ObjectiveAcquire new clients providing a security deposit
  • Key ResultImprove sales conversion rate by 15% through targeted follow-ups and demonstrations
  • TaskMonitor and analyze sales conversion rates regularly
  • TaskIdentify potential customers for targeted follow-ups
  • TaskPlan and execute effective product demonstrations
  • Key ResultSecure 30% of new clients providing a security deposit by optimizing our proposal strategy
  • TaskTrain team on optimized proposal strategy
  • TaskRevise proposals highlighting security deposit benefits
  • TaskImplement personalized follow-up for each proposal
  • Key ResultExpand marketing outreach to gain 20% more inquiries about our services
  • TaskDevelop and launch a targeted social media advertising campaign
  • TaskImplement a referral reward program for existing clients
  • TaskCollaborate with influencers related to our niche for promotional campaigns

Clients OKR best practices to boost success

Generally speaking, your objectives should be ambitious yet achievable, and your key results should be measurable and time-bound (using the SMART framework can be helpful). It is also recommended to list strategic initiatives under your key results, as it'll help you avoid the common mistake of listing projects in your KRs.

Here are a couple of best practices extracted from our OKR implementation guide 👇

Tip #1: Limit the number of key results

The #1 role of OKRs is to help you and your team focus on what really matters. Business-as-usual activities will still be happening, but you do not need to track your entire roadmap in the OKRs.

We recommend having 3-4 objectives, and 3-4 key results per objective. A platform like Tability can run audits on your data to help you identify the plans that have too many goals.

Tability Insights DashboardTability's audit dashboard will highlight opportunities to improve OKRs

Tip #2: Commit to weekly OKR check-ins

Don't fall into the set-and-forget trap. It is important to adopt a weekly check-in process to get the full value of your OKRs and make your strategy agile – otherwise this is nothing more than a reporting exercise.

Being able to see trends for your key results will also keep yourself honest.

Tability Insights DashboardTability's check-ins will save you hours and increase transparency

Tip #3: No more than 2 yellow statuses in a row

Yes, this is another tip for goal-tracking instead of goal-setting (but you'll get plenty of OKR examples above). But, once you have your goals defined, it will be your ability to keep the right sense of urgency that will make the difference.

As a rule of thumb, it's best to avoid having more than 2 yellow/at risk statuses in a row.

Make a call on the 3rd update. You should be either back on track, or off track. This sounds harsh but it's the best way to signal risks early enough to fix things.

How to turn your Clients OKRs in a strategy map

OKRs without regular progress updates are just KPIs. You'll need to update progress on your OKRs every week to get the full benefits from the framework. Reviewing progress periodically has several advantages:

  • It brings the goals back to the top of the mind
  • It will highlight poorly set OKRs
  • It will surface execution risks
  • It improves transparency and accountability

Most teams should start with a spreadsheet if they're using OKRs for the first time. Then, once you get comfortable you can graduate to a proper OKRs-tracking tool.

A strategy map in TabilityTability's Strategy Map makes it easy to see all your org's OKRs

If you're not yet set on a tool, you can check out the 5 best OKR tracking templates guide to find the best way to monitor progress during the quarter.

More Clients OKR templates

We have more templates to help you draft your team goals and OKRs.

OKRs resources

Here are a list of resources to help you adopt the Objectives and Key Results framework.

What's next? Try Tability's goal-setting AI

You can create an iterate on your OKRs using Tability's unique goal-setting AI.

Watch the demo below, then hop on the platform for a free trial.

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