4 strategies and tactics for Market Share

What is a Market Share strategy?

Every great achievement starts with a well-thought-out plan. It can be the launch of a new product, expanding into new markets, or just trying to increase efficiency. You'll need a delicate combination of strategies and tactics to ensure that the journey is smooth and effective.

Crafting the perfect Market Share strategy can feel overwhelming, particularly when you're juggling daily responsibilities. That's why we've put together a collection of examples to spark your inspiration.

Transfer these examples to your app of choice, or opt for Tability to help keep you on track.

Building your own Market Share strategy with AI

While we have some examples available, it's likely that you'll have specific scenarios that aren't covered here. You can use our free AI generator below or our more complete goal-setting system to generate your own strategies.

Market Share strategy examples

We've added many examples of Market Share tactics, including a series of action items. We hope that this will make these examples as practical and useful as possible.

Strategies and tactics for growing E-commerce Market Share

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Improve online marketing campaigns

    • Optimise social media advertising to target key demographics
    • Implement retargeting ads to increase conversion rates
    • Collaborate with influencers to promote products
    • Invest in high-quality content marketing, including blogs and videos
    • Utilise SEO techniques to improve search engine rankings
    • Create email marketing campaigns tailored to customer segments
    • Use data analytics to refine and personalise marketing messages
    • Run limited-time promotions and discounts on popular items
    • Leverage customer testimonials and reviews in campaigns
    • Explore paid search marketing to capture more traffic
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Enhance the customer shopping experience

    • Redesign the website for a more user-friendly interface
    • Streamline the checkout process to minimise cart abandonment
    • Implement a robust customer service live chat feature
    • Offer multiple payment options to cater to diverse preferences
    • Introduce a loyalty programme to reward repeat purchases
    • Provide detailed product descriptions and high-quality images
    • Ensure mobile compatibility for a seamless shopping experience
    • Offer free shipping or low-cost shipping options
    • Create a comprehensive FAQ section to address common inquiries
    • Continuously collect and act on customer feedback to improve
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Expand product range and partnerships

    • Conduct market research to identify high-demand products
    • Introduce new product categories to attract a wider audience
    • Partner with complementary brands for co-marketing opportunities
    • Negotiate exclusive deals with suppliers to offer unique items
    • Develop private label products to differentiate from competitors
    • Implement a pre-order system for upcoming products
    • Offer limited edition or seasonal products to create urgency
    • Attend industry trade shows to discover new products and partners
    • Build relationships with wholesalers and distributors for better terms
    • Launch a referral programme to incentivise word-of-mouth marketing

Strategies and tactics for increasing share of voice

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Enhance content marketing

    • Develop a content calendar with weekly blog posts
    • Create high-quality, SEO-optimised articles
    • Include multimedia elements such as videos and infographics
    • Promote content through social media channels
    • Collaborate with industry influencers for guest posts
    • Regularly update older content to keep it relevant
    • Use paid promotions to boost content reach
    • Encourage user-generated content and testimonials
    • Analyse competitors' content strategies
    • Monitor content performance and adjust strategies accordingly
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Leverage social media marketing

    • Identify key social media platforms for your industry
    • Engage regularly with followers and respond to comments
    • Create a mix of promotional and value-added posts
    • Use targeted ads to reach specific audience segments
    • Run social media contests and giveaways
    • Collaborate with influencers for sponsored posts
    • Use analytics to track engagement and adjust strategies
    • Share customer success stories and case studies
    • Participate in relevant social media groups and forums
    • Schedule regular live sessions to engage directly with your audience
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Boost public relations efforts

    • Develop a list of key media contacts in your industry
    • Write and distribute press releases for company news
    • Pitch story ideas to industry-specific publications
    • Arrange interviews with company spokespeople
    • Participate in industry events and conferences
    • Submit opinion pieces and articles to relevant media outlets
    • Use PR tools to monitor media coverage and sentiment
    • Create a media kit with essential company information
    • Develop relationships with journalists and bloggers
    • Track and measure the impact of PR activities

Strategies and tactics for launching the Training Academy

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Develop a comprehensive profile

    • Compile a detailed professional bio
    • List credentials, certifications, and awards
    • Document training expertise areas
    • Collect and include testimonials and case studies
    • Design a professional logo and brand identity
    • Arrange a professional photoshoot
    • Publish the portfolio on the training institute's website
    • Create printed materials with the portfolio
    • Update the portfolio on social media profiles
    • Maintain the portfolio by regularly adding new testimonials and achievements
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Enhance online presence and engagement

    • Develop a dedicated webpage on the training institute’s website
    • Publish content regularly including articles, blog posts, and case studies
    • Optimize the website for SEO
    • Enhance LinkedIn profile and engage regularly
    • Create and manage Instagram and Facebook accounts
    • Launch a YouTube channel with training videos and webinars
    • Use targeted ads on social media
    • Implement Google Ads for increased reach
    • Gather and publish customer reviews online
    • Monitor and engage with audience feedback on social media
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Expand networking and build strategic partnerships

    • Schedule speaking engagements at industry events and conferences
    • Organize workshops and webinars
    • Collaborate with brands and organisations in Saudi Arabia
    • Join relevant industry associations
    • Reach out to HR professionals for potential collaborations
    • Attend industry seminars and networking events
    • Develop joint ventures with complementary training providers
    • Establish partnerships with universities and colleges
    • Engage in community events to increase visibility
    • Form alliances with international training institutes

Strategies and tactics for capturing more market share by providing better customer experience and lowering prices

  • ⛳️ Strategy 1: Enhance customer experience

    • Conduct customer satisfaction surveys to understand current pain points
    • Implement a robust customer service training programme for all staff
    • Introduce a loyalty programme to reward repeat customers
    • Ensure a responsive customer support system with multiple channels (phone, email, chat)
    • Regularly collect feedback and make improvements based on customer suggestions
    • Streamline the checkout process to make it as quick and easy as possible
    • Utilise CRM software to personalise customer interactions
    • Organise regular webinars or Q&A sessions to educate customers about products
    • Ensure a user-friendly website with easy navigation and relevant information
    • Conduct regular audits of customer service processes to identify areas for improvement
  • ⛳️ Strategy 2: Implement competitive pricing strategies

    • Conduct market research to understand competitors' pricing strategies
    • Analyze cost structures to identify areas to reduce expenses
    • Introduce limited-time offers and discounts to attract new customers
    • Regularly review pricing strategies to ensure competitiveness
    • Develop a value-based pricing model to showcase the benefits of the product
    • Implement a price match guarantee to assure customers of the best price
    • Use dynamic pricing tools to adjust prices based on market demand
    • Bundle products or services to provide better value for money
    • Communicate the value of lower prices to existing and potential customers through various channels
    • Monitor the impact of price changes on sales and market share and adjust accordingly
  • ⛳️ Strategy 3: Boost brand loyalty and community

    • Create a brand ambassador programme to engage passionate customers
    • Encourage user-generated content and testimonials to build trust
    • Establish a community forum for customers to share experiences and tips
    • Hold regular events (online and offline) to build a community around the brand
    • Offer exclusive access to new products and beta programmes for loyal customers
    • Develop a referral programme to incentivise existing customers to bring in new ones
    • Enhance social media presence to interact with and engage customers
    • Collaborate with influencers and partners to extend brand reach
    • Create and share educational content related to the products
    • Monitor and engage with customer reviews and feedback on various platforms

Executing your Market Share strategies

Having a plan is one thing, sticking to it is another.

Don't fall into the set-and-forget trap. It is important to adopt a weekly check-in process to keep your strategy agile – otherwise this is nothing more than a reporting exercise.

A tool like Tability can also help you by combining AI and goal-setting to keep you on track.

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More strategies recently published

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Planning resources

OKRs are a great way to translate strategies into measurable goals. Here are a list of resources to help you adopt the OKR framework:

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